The Mysterious Girl in Black.

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago

My name is Marco and I'm currently inlove with a girl I met for the first time.

I was walking down the street last week when a girl bump into me and her things fell into the ground. As a gentleman, I knelt down and started to pick up her things. She wears a black skirt so I can't let her to kneel down and get her things. Some of the things I picked up was her books, pouch and a sealed white envelope with her name written on it.

She said that she's okay and she don't need help but I insisted that she will just wait and I pick up her things. I finished picking up her things and I hand it over to her.

While handing it over, I felt her skin and I was shocked. I began to panicked because her skin was so cold, like a dead body. Just like how cold your crush to you is charr.

I was curious so I asked her if she's okay and she just said that she's nervous and shy. She can't look me in the eyes while saying those words. Well she may be startled when she bumped into me. I said that I'm so sorry for what happened because I can't take that a girl will say sorry to me. She said that it was nothing and thanked me for picking up her things.

After that we parted ways, I went to the market and she just ride in a tricycle going home maybe. While I'm in the market I can't take her out of my head and I spaced out while buying some salted eggs. Aling Marites repeatedly called my name and I was just looking outside the window(her stall is located in 2nd floor beside the window).

I came into my senses when she tapped my should and asked what's going on with me. I just said nothing and I smiled to her.

While I'm on my way home still she's on my head and I can't forget about her. I just remember that her name was written in that white envelope so I thought of searching her in facebook when I got home.

I got home then I rest a little bit before I take a shower because it was burning outside awhile ago. I took a shower for 5 minutes and decided to chill out beside the window. I took my phone then browse my timeline in facebook.

I go to the search tab and typed Angelica Ramirez. Ofcourse when you search a name on facebook, a lot of individuals will show.

There's a lot of result so I opened them one by one looking at their profile picture. I opened most of the result but their profile pictures didn't match to her face in my head. I kept looking and scrolling until the battery of my phone ran out. I exhaled loudly as a result to my disappointment of not finding her. My mood got bad and I almost thrown my phone to the floor.

I get my charger and plugged in my phone and said to my self that maybe she don't have an account in facebook but my feelings is strong that she has one. My guts and mind is battling each other. Oh man my head will burst if this will continue so I lay down on my bed and spread out my arms and sighss..

I fell asleep for how many minutes and I dreamed about our encounter at the street. I just woke up when my cat went above my chest and began to lick my cheek lol. I thought it was her but nah, just my naughty cat who loves to lick my face.

I got an idea since I'm good in drawing, I decided to sketch her face and I will try to put it on my myday on facebook. Maybe someone will recognize her and message me or maybe we're friends already and she just got a different name. My hopes gets high, I get my drawing book and a pencil, 4b.

I began to do some strokes and finished the shape of her face. While I'm picturing her eyes, nose and lips, I suddenly felt dizzy and my vission got blurred. I stop for a moment and look into my fully charged phone, damn it's already 12:30 past midnight. I forgot that I'm anemic but I want to finish my sketch and maybe I'll to do the final touch the next day.

So I finished sketching her face and decided to sleep because my head is starting to hurt. I woke up in a good mood because I dreamed about her again and it was such a nice scene together with her. I thought that maybe she dreamed about me too because I just read some article that it's possible that you're dreaming about each other.

I can't stop myself from smiling. I jumped out of my bed and decided to finish the final touch of her portrait. I finished after an hour and I went down to eat my breakfast. After eating I took a bath and singing Roar lol.

I finished my bath and decided to take a picture of her portrait. I adjusted it's saturation and contrast to make it more visible and darker. I opened my facebook and checked some messages. I can't wait to post her in my myday so I did it and put the caption If we're friends here can you reply to this myday, please.

After that one I watched some ongoing animes and after watching 3 episodes, 1 message pop out through the messenger. It cam from a girl so I immediately opened it and my world just crumbled down because...........

To be continued.

What made the world of Marco to crumble when he read the message? What does it says?

Thank you for reading this story of mine and I hope to see you again tomorrow.

Lead image: I made it in Canva same with the image above.

To my awesome sponsors and avid audience who always support my works, Arigatou๐Ÿ’š.

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago


Parang Romeo at Juliet lang ah, na love at first sight tas hindi na maialis sa isipan ๐Ÿคฃ Looking ahead for the next chapter

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha..pero tragic yung ending nun .. gawin ko din kayang tragic para di masaya haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope this does not end in a bad way :D

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I hope that my mind will make a way for it not to end in a bad way..para happy ending yiee.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Who's that chick in your life? Waiting here the continuation...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

She's in my fantasy world hehe... If only I can get out of her there.. I appreciate it.๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It says that the girl was long gone.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Aww why so sad ๐Ÿ˜….. Malalaman natin sa susunod na kabanata.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Looks like you already see your better half in advance through this series lods. Hehe

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Some of it happened in real life pinanghugutan ko ..hhehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya nga lods, mahirap iraus yan kung purely sa isip lang, hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Need din ng fanstasy minsan para kahit papano makalaya tayo pagkakagapos sa realidad hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aie oo lods, nung nag series din ako grave, pigaan talaga ng maisusulat haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yiee yung ganyang galawan eh hehe, love at first sight eka haha. Hahanapin ang profile ng lahat masunod ka lamang hehe.. ganda buddy, next na agad ..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha...ginagawa ko din ito sa real life sir eh ..nung nagkacrush ako ..kaso yun diko alam name niya non pero name ng friends niya ginamit ko haha..nahanap ko naman.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Bro if only it happened it in real life, I would definitely congratulate you. Haha. Well, I hope Marco will not read that the girl is dead or something.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahaha How I wish that it happened in real life kuys .. We'll find out tomorrow ..what he just read from that message..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So you fall in love in the first sight ( fictionally) waiting for the next part โœจ

$ 0.02
2 years ago

yep and not in real life hihi.. Thanks I appreaciate it..๐Ÿ˜Š

$ 0.00
2 years ago