Making Me Cry, Why So Bad.

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago

They said that our tears is pure and has so much emotion in it. Do you believe it? For me, I believed in that because based from my experienced wherein I've been to so many different situations, feeling different emotions that made me cry over and over again. I know for sure you've been through in those kind of situations also because we maybe apart from each other, our experiences are somehow thesame that's why sometimes we can relate to each other's struggles.

Is it bad to cry? The answer to that would definitely no because who is so cruel to consider crying as a bad act when we don't have control over it. Can you control your cry? That maybe yes and no. Because sometimes we can control it to hide our emotional self from our love ones. Sometimes we can't and those pure droplets will just fall out of the blue.

So when those pure droplets wants to get out, there's no need to hold back anymore even if someone is watching you because it's something we must do without the permission from other people. We are free to do it no matter what time, day and in what place. It's ok to cry. Let it all out. Free your soul from sadness, sufferings and hate.

Since we are talking about crying, I just have a thought in my mind right now. We all cry right? So my question is What made you cry in the span of your existence? Let's discuss it and let me make my first entry. Feel free to do it.

First and foremost is the Red Onion.

Yes you read it right. I cried because of onions back when I was a child and even now when I'm slicing a lot of onions especially the red ones. Don't tell me you haven't tried slicing onions and ends up crying in the end haha. I thought back then that maybe the onions are crying also when I sliced it and it's influencing me lol.

Even now I still cry whenever I slice onions. There's a science explanation to that one but I forgot it already. There's a lot of techniques taught to me by my grandma in order for me not to cry and one of them is that when you already remove it's skin, stab one onion and let it stay like that until you finish slicing the rest of it. I don't know if it's working because I still cry despite doing it haha. So that technique failed lol. How about you friend, how you do it in order for you not to cry.

Second is the zeaper eater.

Sounds weird right? haha. Well boys will be boys and I know my fellow man out there know what is this all about haha. When I was a kid in my elementary days, I was releasing waste from my front when my classmates were so naughty. They tried looking at my junjun and ofcourse I reacted to their action so I immediately finish the good moment and fastly grabbed the zeaper of my short then suddenly I felt an unbearable pain making me cry. huhu. I feel sorry for junjun back then.

It was really a bad day for me back then. If you only know how it hurts. Since it's skin got eaten and my teacher don't know what to do so she sent me home already and let my father take a look at it. Imagine my luck runs out because my teacher was a woman huhu. When I got home my father was laughing while trying to remove the skin and when he finally removed it, I felt better and the pain was slowly fading away.

Third one is when I accidentally wounded my palm.

I was playing bahay bahayan back then together with my cousins. When I $as digging a hole for the foundation of our house, my hand suddenly slipped down from the the sharp part of the bolo and my palm was sliced open. I can see the flesh inside it while a lot of blood was rushing out of it.

I told my aunt but she didn't believe me because I'm hiding it and when I show it to her, she became nervous don't know what to do. She told it to my grandma then my grandma told her to put some coffee in it to stop the bleeding. When she put some of it aww it was really painful. Twice the pain I felt when it was sliced open. I cried and cried while my aunt was using a fan to dry it. Since then I make sure to be careful when using a bolo.

Fourth one was cause by a ball.

It happened back then when I was still playing basketball. It's a five days league in our barangay and each purok has players to compete with the other contenders. I was selected and represent our purok. We are not that tall but we put up a good fight. Then the accident happened wherein I failed to catch the ball passed on to me by my teammates. It hit my face including my nose aww. The pain is real man. It made me even to have nosebleed so they put me to rest.

Imagine that one huhu. Well it was my mistake for not focusing on the ball so a lesson learned there. The pain I felt that time made me cry but not that long since they cheer me up that it's okay. In the end we won and that made me also cry out of happiness.

Last but not the least is losing someone important or very dear to you.

I already cried a lot because of losing someone very dear to me. The last time I cried because of it was when my great grandmother died without any warning. She slept at night and she didn't wake up again. But the day before she died she was very happy and she's teasing me and all of us. It's very rare for her to do that so it's such a memory I can never forget.

Aside from losing our family members, losing our dearest pet also made me cry over and over again. The last time was my dog named Blackie. I left him very okay when I went to school then when I got home he's already on the ground without t a life. Before I can ask what happened to him, tears began to fall down nonstop. It's such a painful experience when you lost a pet, no I must call them a friend, a loyal one.

Author's note

Crying is undoubtly part of our life and when you feel like releasing the gate of tears, you should because it's okay. Don't you ever forget that friends. Cry and cry but don't be drowned by your own tears.

Those are the things that made me cry back then and even now. There's a lot more to share but time is running out and I don't want to prolong your reading time further more friends. Maybe we can talk about it some other time so for now thank you for reading my article for today and see you again.

Lead image: I made it in Canva same with the image above.

To my sponsors and avid audience who always supports my works, Arigatou💚.

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago


This cry is the manifestation of deep emotion. Crying is an expression of the emotion of one's own suffering which expresses one's deepest feelings. Crying reduces the feeling of pain and makes you feel better.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Red onion legit, pati yung basang panggatung lods haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haha! Natawa ako sa red onion... grabe talaga yan naiiyak din ako pag naghihiwa ng sibuyas haha!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Di naman po inaano diba..pero nananakit siya haha..natusok ko na lahat ng sibuyas na iyan ..nagpapaiyak parin..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The last part hit my heart most. I cried a lot before because of it. And the pain will be felt for long

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I discussed it in the last part because I know that everyone can relate to that ..and I don't want to make you sad in the first part.. It may be a long coping up process but still it heals and it's the most important.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh boy! That zip accident hurts like mad. I experienced that too and I definitely don't want to experience it again

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha same here my friend. That's why when wear jeans that has zeaper I move it up slowly making sure that it will not eat something again..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry bro! No one would want to cry and it’s bad because crying doesn’t mean good thing. It’s sad to loss someone one care for. I hope you’re okay now

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm all okay now bro..thanks for asking.. It's just that when I remember those times when everything is ok..together with our love's coming back and it's all okay..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry bro pero natawa talaga sa article mi tonight. Hahaha. Wait tawa muna ko. Hahaha. Anyways, real pain talaga yung maipit eh. Saka yung matamaan si both tomatoes.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahah ay naranasan ko din yun bola ng volleyball yun eh.buti di nga pumutok 😆. Nakalimutan ko naisali..Mga luko luko kasi mga yun noon eh..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

They said crying is one way of cleansing our eyes, so theres no need to control our eyes from crying

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I think I've heard that one po..masearch nga mamaya.. Opo kaya iyak lang kung naiiyak na..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kahit nga sa panumuod lang sir umiiyak ako. Lalo na't nakakarelate ako sa story na aking pinapanuod. hihi Crying also can cleanse the heart.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Same din po ..lalo na pag yung mga real life na stories ..mala MMK ba..hehe. sayang din yun panuod na yun madami din naiinspire. I agree to that one po.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Losing someone we love is the most painful part of living. When you can't do anything but to accept and live with it :<

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's true..and we can't do anything about it ..We have to accept it even if it's hard..Nothing will happen if we will be feeling down about it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Legit yung zipper na kumakain haha talagang masakit yun din mo alam kung ano gagawin whahaha...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Diko talaga makakalimutan yun haha.. buti bata palang ako nun kaya ok pa na si papa tumingin .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Losing someone you care about is :( :( :( :(

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Napakasakit po diba.. it will take time to heal ..minsan kahit nakahilom na meron at meron parin yung kirot..

Thank you po sa pagrenew ng sponsoship😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True, Jerome. One of the reasons why I am scared of dying because I don't want my family cry when I am gone.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Minsan po naiisip ko ..paano nalang kaya pag bigla ako mamatay ..I'm sure napakabigat nun para sa kanila...

$ 0.00
2 years ago