I did things that made me feel guilty later on.

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2 years ago

There are times that we can do things which is out of our hands anymore and later on our chest feels heavy then you will feel guilty and regretting that you shouldn't done that action. Well we can't really blame ourselves for doing something we might feel guilty later on because we are just a human after all. We are prone to commit mistakes without realizing that we've done already a mistake.

There's a lot of factors that can affect our reactions over things that happened to us but one thing is sure, emotion is at the top of the factors affecting our reactions to something. EMOTION is just a one word with seven letters but it can be deadly if it gone wild. Emotion is one of the game changer in our lifestyle and whether you like it or not you can't be emotionless because humans are prone to make emotions even to a single act.

Speaking of this one I've done a lot of things already which made me feel guilty later on. For sure you have experiences also and that's okay coz we are not perfect, always remember that one but at the same time we should always keep in our minds that it doesn't mean that we are not perfect is that we are free to commit mistakes in intentional way. Because there's a lot of people there who are like that. Even if they know it that it's a bad thing, they will still do it for fun.

In this article I would like to share those what I've done before and you can share your experiences also by making one. It's like a prompt hihi. Well it's up to you if you will do it.

First one in my list is when I hit my dog because he's so noisy and he's barking in every person who will pass by in the road. Our house is just beside the road so they can see the people passing by. I tried to stop him but as the person is getting far, he tried to bite him, he's a kid actually so that made him cry.

I called his name loudy and he came back here in our house. That made me very angry because if by any chance, he bite that kid, for sure they will file a case in our barangay because they are rich and has a bad attitude towards to those who are poor like us. They feel like they are the big boss here in our purok.

When he came back here, I was holding a stick and hit him in his legs which made him to cry loudly. I hit him twice. I'm able to do that because of anger. I'm not able to control it that time and at the same time I hit my dog.

At night he was not able to walk properly and he produced sound, it was the sound of in pain. I heard it and I was not able to sleep because of that. The night was getting deeper and Ace hasn't stop from making that sound. I felt bad about it and my chest was very heavy. Tears are forming in my eyes but I'm holding it.

I can't took it anymore and I went to where Ace is. I switch on the light and I saw him in his bed in pain. I approached him hut he's warry of me and he's aggressive. I can't approach him just like how I'm approaching him back then.

He's afraid of me and that made me deeply sad. My one and only Ace is afraid of me. He don't let me patt his head. I can't settle down and I really felt bad about what I did. In my mind that time, I shouldn't have done that.

I still tried to approach him but still he's warry of me. I didn't give up and I remembered that I have a bread in a ice cream container( that's our ref haha sometimes it contains fish and meats haha). I get it and tried to give it to him.

Surprisingly when I called his name again, his wagging his tail finally which is a good sign. I approached him with the bread in my hands and he's not aggressive anymore. Bread is his favorite so when he wagged his tail, I accept that as he already forgave me for what I did.

I patted his head while he's eating the bread. I was so happy that night that I'm able to make up with my dog. Well the guilt was growing inside me everytime I heard the sound he's making. I just can't stand it.

Since then, when he started to bark at people passing by, I just call his name and he will come. Well Ace became more obedient since the time I hit him but it doesn't make it good. It doesn't mean that he changed, I can do that again to him and to other dogs. I learned my lesson from that one and I don't want to hurt him again or other dogs. The same with all the animals out there.

That is one of the things I did then I feel guilty later on.

Author's note

From that experienced of mine I can really say that Emotion is our strongest enemy when it come to things that may happen to us just like what happened.

My anger ate's me up and the result was not good. That's why I learned how to control my emotions very well now. I know that everyone of us can do that for us to come up with a better decisions on things we can't control. I'm sure in that way we can't do things that may result for others to suffer.

As they said, It's scary once you are able to control your emotions because no matter what may come to you, there's no problem because your emotions are in check. If you can't control it then try to control it. Don't let it to control you.

That's it for today and I thank you once again for reading my article upto this far. See you again next time.

Lead image: I made it in Canva same with the image above.

To my sponsors and avid audience who always supports my articles, Arigatouđź’š.

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago


Too bad. Dogs are really a friend but sometimes we humans go through phases which leads us to do actions that are not good. Good thing that the dogs do not hold grudges.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I understand the feeling, I also make that thing to disciple my dogs, they are 7 now and really you need to show them who was the alpha. but deeply it was hurt yet when life and death were involved that was also another kind of story huhu.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Awww such a heart breaking one ace was afraid and sad because he's your owner and a friend to him but accidentaly you loose your temper and hurt him, the conscience and guilt is always there, but yeah sometimes anger can made us another personnwhonwe don't know and do such stuff because of anger eating us alive. Glad that you are bothbin a good terms now.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I don't want to be in bad terms with my pets that's why I approached him immediately that time.. They are my bestfriends and sibling ..anyway ..huhu.. I have no other playmates than them ..they are my stress relievers.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As humans we tend to break at some point but we learn from our mistake and try our best not to do it again.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Totoo iyan lods..The way how life teach us things maybe weird pero talagang matututo tayo..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sometimes there are tendencies that we couldn't control our emotions jher that's why we did the things that later on will give us realizations and we felt regrets. It's because of the uncontrollable emotions we had sometimes but it's a lesson and there's an awareness already. There's a big possibility that it will not happen again.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It's a 100 percent that will not happen again because a lesson is learned already.. But when it happens again then that person must be don't have love for pets or whatsoever.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I always feel guilt when I ate a lot lol!

Indeed we should control our emotions more and not let it control us. Anger is really challenging. I used to be an angry person too.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Haha..that happened a lot po ..even to me. then later on sasakit ang tiyan haha. Especially sa mga may daily calories to burn nako..

Same here po ..pero nakokontrol naman na ngayon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sad for Ace, he really feel the pain sk hard. Anyway, I was being in that situation too that I will be regretting after all the things that I've done. Sometimes we won't able to control our emotions because we are carried away by it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That's why we should keep in check our emotions when we decide things and do things..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's okay my friend sometimes we did this kind of work when we can't control our anger.But after doing this then we can understand our mistakes. You really love your dog dear.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I really loved him because he's my buddy when I'm sad..When I look into his eyes ..it's like he's saying that everything will be okay.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also did something a few days ago and though it was not out of any emotion but it was coming from my deep evil, which I am keeping dormant lately. I regretted it and I still feel bad about it everyday.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

aww.. that's hard my friend..Whatever that was ..I hope you're okay now..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for the word

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We all have to learn how to control ourselves emotionally although regardless how smart one is they’re will be day when he/she might wants to try cheating during exam bust honestly it is wan at one might regret if get caught.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Cheating will always have consequences later on..if it's possible that you can not cheat then don't even think of doing it..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Aw that's so sad for Ace, it's really painful seeing our pets in pain all the more if it's because of us. I hope he gets better from that hit and it's good that you two made up, indeed dogs are man's best friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It really hurts me because he's always there for me when I'm not in good shape but I just hurt him for that reason.. I forgot that it's normal for dogs to bark when someone's smell is new to them..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also feel guilty for cheating on the exam sometimes, it is because I have no choice and I don't want to fail. I know it's not right but my classmates are also cheating during the time so I was kinda influenced by them.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I just tried it once back then ..because I know the consequence later on.. I see others doing that and I feel guilty about it because I just let them be..huhu. when in Final exams..they're struggling ..

$ 0.00
2 years ago