Wonders of Modern Science

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3 years ago

Assalamualaikum. How are you?? Hope you are fine. Today I'll write about some gifts of modern science.

Wonders of Modern Science

Modern science has worked wonders. In its rapid progress it goes on creating one wonder after another. In fact, the wonders of modern science are too much surprising and didactic and educative.

The first wonder of modern science is electricity. It has brought about a great change in human society. It has thoroughly changed our outlook on life. It is a great source of power and energy. It works like magic. We call for light and there is light. We call for power and there are power-giving machines owing to electricity. Modern civilization is indeed the creation of electricity.

Another wonder of modern science is telephone. It sends out messages from one place to another with the help of electric waves.

Another great wonder of modern science is wireless or radio. It is an instrument by which we can hear the sound from any part of the world. It is like a fairy that calls us up at dawn and tells to sleep at night.

Another of the greatest wonders of modern science is television. It is the most up-to-date means of communicating thoughts and ideas. It combines both functions of hearing and seeing. It is really a great wonder how the image of a person or an object turns into electricity and is received by the television set. Its magic is not yet fully worked out. Its possibilities are immense and its uses too are unending.

The most wonderful of all the working of modern science is the release of nuclear energy. It has made possible the manufacture of the Atom Bomb, the Hydrogen Bomb and the Missiles. There are unlimited possibilities for atomic energy to be utilized for peaceful and constructive purposes.

Another wonder of science is computer. It is the latest boon of modern science. It has relieved us from monotony and lessened our working loads. In fact, computer can solve many complicated tasks and calculation within a few seconds. It has made our life easy and comfortable.

Space-travel is perhaps, the greatest wonder of modern science in very recent years. It has too long and interesting a history to be stated here. It may, however, be said that man has the moon and some other planets is not a very far-off thing.

Penicillin, X-ray, ultra-violet ray are also a few wonders of modern science in the field of medicine.

Modern science is like Aladin's magic lamp. It does today what was supposed to be impossible yesterday. Where it will end nobody can say but this much can be said that it will go on working newer and greater wonders in the days to come.

Thanks for reading.

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Written by
3 years ago


Modern science is really so much helpful for us.Nowadays, without modern science we can't live.It makes our life very easy

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wrote a very nice topic. Very good. Another lot of unknown information. Airtel said that we have come a long way through science. Thank you for writing an article on an important topic.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is an important article. Modern science is the greatest blessings of modern technology. It has made our everyday life easier and comfortable. It plays an important role in our daily life ❤❤❤❤

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Walaikumassalam..This article is very important article..Modern science has made our life more comfortable and happier..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Science is really useful to us. Without science we don't have such new technologies

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Science is everywhere. Even tho I know that's true, I really find the subject hard for me, academic wise. But yeah, it's such a great help to humanity as it promotes convinience. Great realization✨

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3 years ago

i always like your photos

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3 years ago


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