Sunday Sermon

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Avatar for Jerrysavage00
2 years ago
From Unsplash

Good morning guys and a happy Sunday to you. Welcome to a new week too. I wish you a great day and a great week ahead.

I love Sundays because it's an opportunity to fellowship with the brethren in the church. Such a blissful moment, where we come together to praise, worship and learn at the feet of Jesus. It's such a great thing to come together to hear what God is saying to us at the moment. God speaks, and it's a thing of fulfilment to have the ability and privilege to bear what God is saying at the moment.

From Unsplash

With today being Sunday, it's the Lord's day, and I'll love to share the Word of the Lord with you. I pray He inspires me as I go on. But before I continue, I'll like to thank some special people; Special thanks to my sponsors both old and the ones planning to, subscribers both old and those that will subscribe now, also thanks to those who thumbs up and comment on my post, I really appreciate all of you, I do not take it for granted.

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Back to my sermon, to make things easy for me, I'll be using the letters of the day SUNDAY to draft out the article (sermon) for today. Also just to announce, I'm a Christian and I'm not apologetic in defending my faith in Christ Jesus at anytime or in any place.

S- So great are the mercies of God, He has preserved you since the beginning of the year till this day. For His mercies endureth forever. He has been the one keeping you and your family since the COVID period even up till now. Is He not merciful. He has been there for you even in times you least expected. He always show up, coming through for you so that you'll not b put to shame.

U- Understand that He has been your umbrella, He has covered you and your with His arms. Understanding is very essential because if you don't understand what God has done for you, you won't be able to fully thank God for all He has done for you. Headache as ordinary you think it's has been the cause of some people's death, but in God's mercy, you've had headache and the it went down. This is enough to thank and praise God for.

N- Now as every other time, is always a perfect time to thank Him. There's no need to postpone it till another time. It is good to always thank God. God is not tired of your praises. If you take 7 days out to thank God, it'll still not be enough and God will not be tired of your Thanksgiving. Therefore, I implore you to deliberately give thanks to God at all times.

D- Depression is not, should not and cannot be the reality of anyone that is given to Thanksgiving. Every time you thank God, you remember all that God has done for you. And as you remember, you'll realise that there's hope for the journey ahead, God that has always showed up for you will continue to. It is not in His character to fail.

A- All things are possible to him who believes. It is possible to misinterprete this verse of the bible. Jesus made that statement, but you can't just believe, your believing is dependent on the object. Your believing here is on the Christ, so that for as many that believe in Christ, all things are possible. As long as the things in question, are in alignment with the will of God. So, you must make sure that the things, you wish for are in line with will of God for you.

Y- Your life will only begin to make meaning when your submit to Christ Jesus. The essence and reason for your being in the world can only be discovered and actualized in and through Christ Jesus.

This is it for today. Enjoy your day.

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Avatar for Jerrysavage00
2 years ago


Awesome 😊👍

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy Sunday bro, Sundays are always a special day and a day to go back to our creator after days of works and hustle.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes oh my brother

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great initiative of using the word Sunday To Give Us A beautiful acrostic. It is important to pause every once in a while and give thanks to God for everything He has done. He keeps doing for us even when we don't deserve it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes ohh, just reflect and thank Him

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Like you said for A- all things are possible

Nothing is too hard or difficult for God. in Matthew 19:26 “But jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with god all things are possible”. In the realm of life, things are difficult with men but not with God.

Happy Sunday jerry

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah. Nothing is difficult for God to do

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you for this..keep sharing your faith.. Let's continually share His words..

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes ma. God will continue to help us

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The way you spelt Sunday out is really creative and Sunday is a day of the Lord and it should be dedicated to the Lord fully without any partiality in it

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes ohhh, brother. Full dedication

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No one should be apologetic of his faith and belief :) I love your acrostic with SUNDAY. Everything is possible indeed. We just have to believe and have faith and of course work too

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes ma, have faith but still work

$ 0.00
2 years ago