Write to your heart's content

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Written by
2 years ago

Learn From Other Writers @frdchckn

Ok! Got this from above and... I am a user of this forum and honestly, writing here is fun. Really depends on the writer's perspective...With this I’d like to explore the mind set from my own perspective. I’m here for 7 months and glad to only have 55 subscribers only, I don’t know how’d I be if this numbers were to multiply. The goal is to simply explore writing and I was really enjoying it because no one knows me here, literally. So, when I write anything here, its to my heart’s content. Especially the oldest ones… and true to as it was, I am satisfied and until one day, rusty visited and there goes the smile on my face.

I got his attention.  When I got his attention, I ultimately wanted more and took me a while but eventually learn and still learning to tune in with his types of articles.Then I understood a little of the contents he prefers, not really he prefers but somewhat the criteria he had set. It’s simple and manageable. But at most times, my writing were really rebellious. Tried different mixes and combining some formulae, I just positive responses which made me truly say, wow, content writing is truly something.

We all have favorite topics that we love to explore and talk about. The anonymity here is just something that I really needed to proceed and enjoy writing and grow. I’ve learned the relationship of words, not just about the writer and audience which by the way, with a growing audience makes me all the more conscious with what I write. I never liked the crowd, not because I’m shy, but rather the odd wiring in my head. Many times I really shy away from the crowd and even those who referred me here, never really knew who me here is because I never revealed. Writing to my heart’s content is something I’ve been meaning to do since because I was not able to gauge my writing skills, if I ever had one. My grammar is ok, we were trained and it’s already at the subconscious level that it became part of my involuntary skills. Spelling is weird which is why I am using word for correction and I am short with vocabulary. I have submitted articles to be publish on a newspaper but all were never published, unfortunately. I was never given the floor, not even that small. And here, I get to write and publish it without any hesitation.

Writing is something I am now exploring, 7 months is short as there are so many to explore. Reading about content writing online has some plus but most of the good reads are in dollars which I don’t have the budget. So, I have resolve to write and study the effects. So I now have my own criteria on how to write things. I also a unique learning ways that it’s hard for me to understand ordinary teaching methods, so it’ll be futile for me to take those classes and in the end learned nothing.

Writing may seem easy to many but the truth to it is that I takes a lot of thinking skills to even tell a tale. To write vivid and picturesque scenes are quite exhausting, especially when its done in very thorough details. Vocabulary too is a must have, else the picturesque article will come short of the vivid imagery that lives in your thoughts. Connecting one scene to another, as it is really hard to put together the concept and work on it. Writing is putting in words the movie in your mind. Presenting it to the audience in a way the writer is able to, be it in a poem, short story, articles, comic skits, comedy or novels. There’s a lot to choose from depending on the writers interest. Many good writers never really expected an audience because all they ever wanted is just to express their thoughts that’s weighing down and been a burden up there… sometimes we have to take it all out from our mind to be able to think properly again, which is why many would say they’re stuck, lack the inspiration to write… Some of these are just this. I’m afraid some may even write for the purpose of just writing because if they don’t, it’ll drive them crazy.

Although today’s era has a lot of opportunity for those who don’t have the skills and talent, as in the past, it was overtly a display of either talent or power. For the mediocre ones, they get a lot of help from word, and now grammarly and other apps that makes it convenient for them. Really but… writing really starts from the thought then fluently comes out and be read, as expressly written… like this one! Thank u for the read, ‘til next time.

May 13, 2022
Image: Pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


Wow. Thank you for mentioning me in your article!It is a privilege and I am so happy that my writings has inspired or somehow gave you the push and idea to make this wonderful article. Keep up the good work!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I think one of the good things about read.cash is that you can write about pretty much anything and there will be a audience. Although, some categories are preferred to others.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

If you write from the heart, no matter what topic that is, it will flow smoothly and your audience will feel that. Just write whatever you like, no one will judge you here :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago