Where is your God? A conversation I imagine would happen

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2 years ago

God immediately comes to our thoughts whenever convenient for us? Hmmm… if He was to respond, I wonder how it would be?

A Conversation with God

Hello, it’s the weekend again! How was your week? Fine. So, tomorrow is another Sunday… Would you be attending service again? Shall we meet again there? Or would you be busy with song and praises, the offertory? Seriously? Or would you drop by to show off your newly bought car, dressed with gold hoping to impress everyone but Me? Hmmm…

To what do I owe the pleasure of you looking for Me? I have been around for ages, sitting on my thrown they say doing nothing but wait for your call! You call my attention to consult with me? Oh, wow! I’m happy you called for you have been away this entire time and I have been looking forward this whole time.

So! What do you have to consult with me? Regarding the cries of my creation? Suffering they say? Untold stories of victims of all sorts?

Oh my! My heart bleeds seeing them suffer. Unfortunately, they build walls that my army tried to shatter! I give them my WORD but they refused my instructions. I give my son, they nailed Him to the cross because they didn’t want to listen. My son sent the Holy Spirit for their comfort, but refuse homage because they know better!

I tried reaching out to you in ways you cannot imagine. The prophets and even I gave you kings as requested, but… none were effective! You built temples of gods like BAAL and gave them offerings instead to me. Now you are asking me where have I been?

I already told you! I am a jealous God! And your choice to give song and praises to other gods, not me! And here you are, asking me where have I been? Have they stopped the storm that dropped by your village? Had they stopped the chaos they started themselves? No more killings? Famine? And confusion?

Oh no! You weren’t informed? The moment you give your offerings to them, they will be asking for more! More and more each time, and lastly, demanding for your breath and love ones too! In exchange for the riches, it offers.

I am the only ONE who only asks for your time, to let me accompany you in your daily musings and journey! That along the way when you’re tired, I can carry your burden for you! Protect you from everything especially your weary heart that wanders all the time. Provides you with strength that moves mountains. But… You choose them over me? What is so good with Athena, Zeus, and Aphrodite? Haven’t they wreaked havoc on TROY and Greece? Tore apart city to city until none is left?

You build temples for them made of IVORY but were torn apart for what? War? I would have blest ROME, as Rome empowers my believers. Yet, Rome betrayed them… infiltrating the gods that were supposed to be just Me! So Rome has been torn apart into pieces! Back in the early times? Babel! Oh! Babel… how they want to reach my humble abode, praised Baal for their greatness… True, the most heavenly hanging gardens of Babel that even to this time, are unmatched. But where is Babel now? Not even dust can be traced only written in the books that are almost gone now!

My Son taught you how to pray! But have you made use of it? He taught you how to stop storms and heal diseases! Oh, you have forgotten? Well, you have my WORD to remind you how! You have not read? Hmmm… Oh! The wander of these gods, now trying to stop storms and heal diseases but only to find out, they were never healed. Just suppressed and relapsed, -deadlier than before!

I have always asked not to defile your body, for it is sacred. Now, you cry out loud for the bastards you gave birth to! The anger brought by betrayal and mistrust! You lost yourself in a night of ecstasy and subjected to your orgy needs, only to wake up months later suffering unbearable pain and even death! And you asked where have I been?

I honestly cannot help but watch you destroy your life! I cannot help you either for you have kept me at bay! At moments you ask me for help and yet demanded an instant reply. I am truly sorry I don’t have a messenger here in my home, I tried to help and sent my army… But! It took Gabriel to reach Daniel 21 days, with the help of Michael against the Prince of Persia and this is Daniel fasting for 3 whole weeks. And Daniel is one of my valued men! Please, have patience. For the gods at odds against have built strongholds with your offerings and sacrifices, most especially when you give life offerings to them! What is a war for? A sacrifice to the gods! Enforcing their strongholds.

Now, it had become alarming! Babies are aborted due for all the reasons in the world, crimes and killings are all too immensely building up their stronghold on mankind. I am not quick to judge for I have tried and appealed to you all the time, waiting for you to receive my Grace. That is why I have left my WORD for all time so when you finally decided to rekindle our relationship. When you have finally gone tired of all this and seek my warmth and contentment… Who am I to refuse? When it will be the most awaited journey of all time that I have waited for so long! That every soul that reaches out, my angels celebrate! Waiting… here, just waiting… 

July 16, 2022
Image: pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


This kind of conversation is started by the demon.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha! U could put it that way, at least... It rounded up pretty much about God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Really, so touching and filled with wisdom, we have drifted our love from our creators, going to church only when we acquire new material things, so we could impress humans like us and not God. We have also divided our love for him..this was an article for one to ponder on..

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2 years ago