Unexpected Crisis!

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2 years ago

Ok! Unexpectedly I had a hypertensive crisis and had to go to ER, my first time, and don’t have any medication here at home. So, I really had to go.

I was hesitant because I hadn’t gained my balance because I was dizzy. Even vomited 4 times. Trigger? Guess my health was already compromised unnoticed. Since the pandemic, I never got the activity I used to have and was more in a relaxed state. So, since my body got no more activities, perhaps that was the trigger.

I thought I’d lost it but that God. I wouldn’t say I got there in time but I was glad to go at least a medication for me. But expectedly in our local emergency room, I waited for 3 hours just to get the medicine. And I was upset by the doctor telling me I didn’t look sick? Like, who would go to a hospital, especially the emergency room if it were not necessary? Oh my!

So in the whole 3 hours in the hospital, I get the treatment I needed. But still, I don’t feel good. The pressure was still high and there was nothing I could do. I didn’t want to upset myself more so I decided to go home and look for cardio for the treatment I sought for. And I haven’t done that because I still feel lightheaded. My body seems to have a difficult time recuperating. Adjusting really takes time, especially when already at the age!

Luckily, my body was able to cope with the crisis but recuperating is still beyond my grasp as I still feel a bit dizzy. I’m off from work for two days. Yesterday and today, hopefully on Wednesday I will be able to get the hang of all these! I have medication to regulate but I really need to go see a doctor and address all these.


This is something that was found on my x-ray result during our Annual Physical Exam and that is something dangerous if not addressed. A drastic change of lifestyle is needed, my now calm life seems to be a problem that caused the thinning of my arteries, specifically the aorta. Had it not because of the x-ray, I wouldn’t know.

Well, yesterday I confirm that life is truly short… Indeed! So, I got to take care of my health and I am giving myself a month to adjust to all these and make drastic changes! Yesterday got me thinking hard together with the boys and they’re showing they’re cooperating.

I’m ready but the thought of living with them this young… I want to spend more time with them so I have to pursue the goal. A major repair on my health is something I need to do this month. Loving the boys makes me think twice about letting go. And at the same time preparing them just in case! Oh! Wish me luck!

Thank you for the read! God bless.

June 14, 2022
Image: Pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


I pray for your speedy recovery friend. The Lord will heal you and make you stronger on your feet. Take your medications and relax very well please.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Get well soon!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

May you recover soon. Please take a good care for yourself. Vomiting is drastic for life. I hope we shall find you happy soon.

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2 years ago