Relationships: Family that we hold dear! Important to us…

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Written by
1 year ago

I’ve been meaning to write about this and most of the time it slips away! In general, I am very happy that in this part of the world, family is treasured! Let me get to the point, not faking it. I am not the type who adores my family because the scriptures say so! Or because in the eyes of everyone, I have to do it! It's more to that!


There is a reason why the BIBLE had it as “honor your mother and your father”. I don’t have a good relationship with my father and I am not really familiar with the “implicated benefit of doing that”. However, I am very familiar with mom. If you want to live a long life with good and be blest in unique ways such as beloved wife, “deeply honor your mom!”. There are many ways of honoring our mom, different folks, different strokes… so, the more you serve your mom without… there are actually a lot of intricate things that happen that its really a long story. Serving her like a queen, perfectly, never to hold a grudge or so, protect her physically and even more! The perfect child proves to have good benefits.

My friend, who recently died of cancer, served her mom the way she knows. Feeding her caprices and providing for her financially, and it returned to her hundred folds. She was lucky to migrate to AUSTRALIA without spending a cent and became a permanent resident there. Ah! Another friend, same, supported her mom and bought her a home. She has successfully immigrated to Australia and sustained her heart disease for 20 years.

However, these girls are serving their moms for the love of her! Appreciate her without me telling them of the benefits it reaps. If you read the WORD of God, it unlocks a lot of mysteries and secrets that not everyone has the privilege of knowing. Take note, that serving your mom means giving your wholehearted attention, and everything else in this line, is that. Now that you know, you really cannot benefit from knowing now and change your ways of treating her! The way you treated her from the beginning is what’s inside your heart that no matter how much you’ll try to start from scratch without due repentance and whole-hearted change, will never suffice. You’ll only reap misery and disappointments. Your outlook in life matters!

On one point there are superficial benefits though. If one has to treat their mom as mere supplication, sure. In general, longevity is one of the benefits. Not really a long long life but you come to age, not stop at 30. Reaching 40 is old enough, lolz.

If you were curious enough, this is actually true to other culture in Asia, most especially Chinese. This is still very much in practice.


“I NEVER ASKED TO BE BORN!”. Imagine you’re are a mom and be answered by your child that! I remembered our eldest answered this about 40 yrs ago! And sorry, I find this to be the greatest insult a mom will bear! It just nullifies the very existence of having a child! Now, I don’t want to dwell and name names for such! Opps!

Children, our mom’s retirement plan! Ok! Other cultures throw this at every pinoys face who has no idea what our family means to us. Except of course those children who have been posting, proud to tell the world of the “pasan ko ang mundo” crap on social media (I bear the world on my shoulders). Argggg! So much drama! OMG! Sorry, but I’d like to slash a bit! NOBODY TOLD YOU SO! F***!

But to many of those who never thought of it like that! Sorry! But our story is in-depth. Never once does hate dwell in our hearts. My mom never protected me from any adversaries, unlike my friends who were favorite child while I was treated like an adopted. My respect runs deep despite all the harshness in the world, I will still bring down heaven for my mom! Why? I really don’t know why! It hurts to see my mom cries, and panic when the money runs out and no more food on the table. It hurts knowing she has to face insults from other people because we were poor! It hurts whenever our father maltreats my mom or said something to malign her dignity! Ok! I can’t explain but that’s it. Providing for her was never intended, it was given! Out of the deepest respect for her!

Now, other parents… yes! There are parents who made their children milking cows, and about half of them are! But, like I said there are exceptions, and what I’ve said as some of the exceptions is actually also half of the population too! So, when you decided to marry and have children, it's really your discretion if you would make your children your milking cow or not. Other cultures, which is why they strongly give independence at 18!


I’m not yet done with benefits. Taking care of my family has a lot of intrinsic benefits. Ok! Their presence may either be a nuisance or a blessing in disguise! But I’ll leave you to think about that.

Imagine the world abandoning you. You are alone in your apartment 365 days a year and just work non-stop. The phone is super nice but doesn’t ring except for notifications from work. Your friends remember you when they have problems and you know the next lines, the typical ones. Some friends invite you over because they want to hang out and ended up paying all the bills or half but still end up alone in your house/home/apartment. Work can get depressing or stressful or if there was a promotion you’d like to celebrate but don’t have anyone to celebrate it with. Ok, making it short, life becomes a bore and lonely! Why’d you ask many go on trekking, tour around the world to fill that emptiness or the hallow there in between your chest! Sometimes that hallow hurts for no reason at all. Then you get sick, good if there was a friend who really cares! Good, if none, good luck!

Alright. Then mom, siblings, or family, figures out to visit you. Hahaha! Surprisingly caught you in the middle of a storm, that literally turns your living room like everything is everywhere. Can relate? Or caught you drenched in a cold sweat because you got a fever or just really sick. Do you get where I’m getting?

Ever heard of the phrase “family takes care of family”! yeah! It’s not an obligation nor responsibility but a deep feeling of the “NEED” to take care of family! There are really people who don’t understand it but for many, it’s a very strong foundation, to begin with. Why? It's having someone there by your side without asking them to and stays! And in the end, there is a sense of fulfillment in being able to do this. Quite satisfactory that no one can take away the bliss, it radiates to the soul.

Why I’m happy? Well, there will be a lot of elderly in this part of the world who doesn’t end up at home for care and live with strangers! Is it positive? Yes! Because all of us grow old and one day, like me, perhaps my sons will let me live home with strangers or be happy that I’d look after their children! It’s a long shot but they’d rather keep me and continue to make them good home cook meals, for them and for my grandchildren! Thank u for reading, sorry for a long read.

July 29, 2022
Image: pinterest

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Written by
1 year ago


Family means a lot and they added a great value to life. In my culture, it's very common to take care of parents during their old age, we usually love to do that.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

If your mom blame you for the misfortune of her life, it's not right and it's normal that the child would say “I never ask to be born”.. it's an insult but mother shouldn't blame their kids for that. Sometimes chaos comes from different situations and we will only know the weight of their pain unless we're on their shoes.

Also, we have different culture.. especially Asians value families bond so much unlike other the end of the day, still whatever circumstances child should still honor their parents, I myself had bitter experience with my parents but just to have my own peace I have to slowly let go of those bad memories.. to slowly forgive for my own benefits as well.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

That's our eldest retort to my mom when our mom did nothing but gave her everything. She never did anything u stated to qualify her statement and even to her grave she never said anything otherwise.

Perhaps u, in Ur case, if u told Ur mom that. I'm not sure howd she reacted. But still is an insult. One day you will think about it when Ur still about to marry and have kids of Ur own. I wouldnt be so bold to ever talk or write about this have I not been a mother myself. And bore a son out of disgrace. I survived both and been living a single mom for a decade now. Luckily I don't feel aggrieved as Ur mom bearing a child out of disgrace. Im sorry if Ur mom choose to be sad or angry, I have my issues but I see my son more of a blessing than a curse. It's a matter of outlook in life and acceptance. Good that my insecurities didn't get the best of me though.

In addition for close family ties, its not only ASIAN has this closeness. Italians too like all mafia movie implies, Spanish/Portuguese and many of the those from South American region. It's actually practiced around the globe so to speak. I wouldn't want to narrow it down to only ASIANS because this culture is very much flaunted on movies like "Fast and Furious" sequel, where "family" is one of the founding concept of the movie. A throwback in time "The GodFather" sequel, the telenovelas of our spanish speaking bro and sis, "Marimar" so to speak.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm a daughter and I'm a mom too by now yeah, I know how it feels to be aggravated without valid reason . I can now internalize how it feels to be a mom ..

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Sure thing, your journey has just begun. Good luck!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Im gld dyou see it that way that your sons are more of a blessing than a curse. Sorry to hear about you being a single mother

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thank u! Yes, they are a blessing. They are trying hard to take care of me while recuperating from my heart disease and we are coping up as a family.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I see my family as nuisance in my life sis, but that was long ago. My father dis not really like my husband and i can feel it to the bones. Just yesterday my husband slipped something frommhis mouth: my father aaked him of money and made sure I do not know about it. He Spent it all in gambling. Now my mother has this veey demanding attitude. But one day I realised that I should love her with all my heart because once she's gone, I would not be able to turn back time and I would hate regrets.

She's still herself but I and my husbnad chose to understand her and help her with all thay we can.. I know i won't be having lines like "if only" wgen its tie for her to leave me

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Well, with all due honestly. After my mom died, I now view my family as toxic and only our youngest sibling I get to communicate well. Eventually they became toxic with their outlook in life so I have to disengage and no regrets about it.

I can very well relate about your father not liking your husband because that's how he treated my husband before he died. When he was still alive, he never treated him well. But I still choose to be with my husband because I trust him more than my father. Thank u for the read.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Im gald we can relate yo each other. We had a rough life but still life must go on.
Hows yous status on your heart disease by the way, ? I hope everything gets better one day

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hmmm. Still adjusting and doing a lot of fasting... I'm focusing on gardening to at least I move a lot which helps the heart. Thank u for asking

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That would be a great News. Gardening hibes a lot of happiness too.
Id love to see you r heart status improve and your health as well

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Most teenagers think that parents' advice is sort of direct orders however parents are searching for a better life with you especially if someone's friends are saying that a person that obeys its parent is gender childless.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Wow! Well said, thank u for commenting.

$ 0.00
1 year ago