Quotes that warm the soul

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1 year ago

Another bright new day to celebrate with you, whether the theme is a tragedy or comedy, melancholic or a drama, a day comes and goes. Yesterday ends gloomy weather and today starts… with a lot of clouds in the sky and at the same time, the sun hoovering brightly at us!

A lingering thought that persists to this point whenever I browse PINTEREST. The quotes I’ve read were… say, heart-warming?! Let me share some…

“I want to hold your hand @ 80 and say, “We made it."

It’s like broken pieces of a very, very short story that no matter how short it is and the message just really got through and pierces the heart. Brings forth splashes of blushes right across your face and then to the ears. And eventually, a domino effect that warms the heart. And this 1st picture, oh! Truly, I really wonder how many would last… Of course, all-knowing the increasing number of “divorces” each year, across the globe is probably increasing?! That we can only imagine that this concept will only be a dream come true? How many would find it? or can anyone find it amidst the chaos? Wow! A love of LIFETIME!

Some of which are extremely funny but true. In a daily routine when everything is what it is and just naturally flows. Take this quote for a sample: “Love is caring for each other even when you’re angry…” this 2nd picture… Like if you are the kind who experiences this kind of loving. You’ll find this quote to be extremely true and funny! You do fight over petty or silly things but at the end of the day, you can’t help but care for the person you are angry with! And still would do the extra mile to care to protect even in the midst of anger. I find it sweet and silly and although there is a truth to it, which makes me miss those times. Hahaha! And even wish to have someone to share this moment with? Well, I guess I have my children!

Another one that catches my attention is “one day someone is going to hug you so tight that all of your broken pieces will stick back together”. Hmmm… I think that everyone somehow has a broken piece that needed a special touch. A special touch coming from someone that brings the picture back together! We all go through cycles of struggles, some small other is huge enough that threatens the whole being. An after-thought that somebody can actually heal that part of the broken piece, someone special with a touch of an angel. I don’t know, I just find it fascinating that reparation could actually take place despite the grim fate! It sparks some light inside that allows hope to thrive while another part of you fights it off because it’s just too good to be true! But and however, miracles do happen as hope is still alive! That just little hope, that little spark that lights within, and things happen unexpectedly. Have you ever had that? Hmm… I don’t know, I just feel like sharing this thought. Perhaps, someone depressed could read this and share a glimmer of hope… eventually sparks the light within too and things feel a little bit, -better! Something to look forward to and move on or forward! Oh! I do hope so!

Oh well! Hihihi! Interesting, don’t you think? Just sharing some thoughts I had yesterday, enjoying the end of the day… taking it easy, and browsing sometimes. I hope you had fun! Thank u for the read!

June 29, 2022
Images: PInterest

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Written by
1 year ago


Dreams are becoming reality one day we should believe in good vibes.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Hehe. Feels like these are quotes are speaking to me.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Sister it is too deep love we can imagine and dream because I try to experience and find such type of partner but they are too rare can't be found anywhere. Hug and many kisses are love precious gifts.

$ 0.01
1 year ago