Overseer: Rules stubbornly neglected!

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2 years ago

Don’t overthink. Simply because you don’t believe in FAITH while I do, I care to intrude on your life’s basic beliefs. No! I care less about your disposition in life nor do I care about an argument or the likes. Let’s not waste our energy and continue to focus on what matters to us the most! Don’t think too highly of yourself! The world has become too overcrowded for the likes of us! Hypocrisy is just too all overbearing! Let's get real.

An ode…

To be your overseer for all ages is my pleasure! I created you for the likes of me and gave you Earth for you to rule but… you gave it away. I placed you above the angels I created, you as my companion while they - my messenger, my army. Supposed to assist you in every way but you distance yourself from Me. How am I supposed to help you then? Have you heard stories, of angels helping people? Oh yes! They pray.

I have given you Rules to help you navigate the world. Let’s disregard the most important, 1st and 2nd, just the rest of it. And now, your cries are even louder about you being coveted? Deceived and betrayed by people you loved and trusted in broad daylight. When I gave you all these rules to help you live in harmony, disregarded them for all time. But your pleas and cries have become louder by the day – almost screaming with anger in your hearts!

Oh! How I loved you! I have given you my Son… But you have advertently denied and refused Him to let in your life because… but still, I am hearing all your cries of pain and suffering! How am I supposed to assist when you refused my help? Yet, your cries? Oh, why?

I have given you my word. But you never took time to know Me. And if you took time to know Me, you label it as Bigotry? Call me an oppressor and tyrant? oh! But how you cried.

Really? What a shame… there is the reason why I placed 1st and 2nd rules, to love me for all time and only me. Yet, you took Me off your family, and now… you barely keeping the ties together and your children, are confused. Barely can hold on to a relationship you try to build up on your own foundations. But marriage was once built under my name and I cemented their bond, and theirs lasted for their lifetime. Now, I’m no longer there to be found. Who now cements the bond? Oh! Please don’t… Couples are increasingly parting ways every day and you still stubbornly refuse? Now FOREVER MINE will only be a dream to fantasize about, to be told only in fairy tales!

Furthermore, you took me off your schools… and now what happened? Crimes committed by children? Bully, killings at school? Brutal crimes happenings on school grounds as you took me off! My army would have protected you from all these had you not demolished Me! How unfortunate.

I adamantly enforced my 1st and 2nd, to love me above all. Why? So greed, lust, and pride won’t easily find their way into your hearts but rather keep it guarded and you safe. But all your stubbornness to have it your way, the promises of freedom to behold. Now, your children are now exposed to acts so lude that it pains you when your daughter is defiled by the very person you trusted. Kidnapped, trafficked to be slaved under circumstances you no longer have any control.

So much more! The lies. An outcry I’ve heard! Oh! How tragic! You cried my Name out loud in a crowd, asking me “why me?” and everything else… when all those you experienced are all your doing! Your choice and your actions… You have not even consulted with me “on your approach!” but now you call my Name and pin it all on me? You claim to pray but your heart is full… full of blasphemy and pretense! But here you are calling My Name still! Now, I simply became a cliché?

Do you attend service to tell people you believe in me? Really? But you hardly take time to read my word and take care of my people… You are busy building your portfolio all the time and hardly listen to my word. When good times is at your door, you barely give thanks! But when hard times come, you call my name with an outcry “why me?”, -“do I deserve this?” ??? How ironic!

You are indeed busy accumulating richness in this earth that one day you will return ashes! What happens to your richness then when you’re gone? Your success? Immortalized? Hmmm… This is just a mere playground, not your home. Have you thought about where you'd go if you were stripped of your richness, fame, and fortune? Hopefully not on the streets of beggars, but being sheltered by your friends or family is what I hoped you’d be!

Oh beloved! I have people faithful to me! And only me! I am with them all their lives and even suffer humiliation because of me! They are poor for the rich often forget Me. They are very simple, happy, and content living under My grace! They’ve entrusted their future to Me. To many of you, I have failed them but to them, I have never failed them. And sadly, they’re only a few of them. But I am glad there are a few, for My kingdom will be theirs for eternity.

You, my beloved… the majority of you! How certain is your future? My few, had only My kingdom to look forward to. Yours? How is your portfolio these days? Crashed? Hmmm… I am truly sorry, I cannot help you. For My kingdom has no market to take hold, nor does it need a wallet and richness to offer. Just Me.

Truly, when you cry for me… truthfully, “seek and you shall find”. When you are ready, I AM JUST AROUND! When you are really tired, try reading Me. Perhaps you will be interested in building a relationship with Me!

July 15, 2022
Image: pinterest

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Written by
2 years ago


You have to donate each period its required time and that is enough.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So touching...oh how I loved you! I have given you my son but you denied and refused him... Lord have mercy

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is so powerful that it sends me down memory lane, truly we have abused his power, done a lot of things that won't add glory to his name . but I know he will still forgive me

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2 years ago