"On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love sent to me!"

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2 years ago

A line of a song for so long ago and still rockin’.  Its friday and everyone is on high spirits. Of all the months of the year, December never misses to amuse and irritate me. Why? Well, of course, lets face it, it’s the most celebrated time of the year and the busiest. Not to mention, the longest line you’ll ever had to line for on department and grocery stores. Oh, everybody knows why. Not just those, ATMs too has become crowded.

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During the old normal, OFWs abounds the airways. And some balikbayans as well, bringing with them the goods they worked hard for the entire year and get distributed to families and extended families as well. Well, what’s new? Filipinos are just this… just about every year! I’m tempted to side comment but, we just have a generous heart, lolz. What’s new? Hmm, the new norm, fewer flights and passengers, the airways are not congested. Balikbayan boxes are very minimal as many were laid-off due to pandemic – almost a tragedy, but we all get by! That we promise, -resilience never fails.

Despite all the tragedy caused by pandemic, children are excited none the less. Bunso even demanded a Christmas deco so he will have a feel of the season not just the air, pretty much expected from a boy. As for the gift, they already had their share.


Nativity, really has a strong essence most especially in the lives of children. Magnanimity, is something essential in the growth of a young mind. Teaching them generosity of mind and of heart as they grow, essential in a sense because children gets to practice it over the years of observance. Despite the impracticality, but the warmth it shares amongst individual is just priceless.

So what’s this has to do with Jesus’ being born? Of course everything. Where do you think the concept of magnanimity ever came from? He teaches us this greatness in heart and of mind. His greatest sacrifice, His life, a sacrificial lamb in exchange of yearly sacrifice to atone our sins – well, only for those who believe! Not only that, obedience and submission as previously mentioned on the other article.

Well, what more? oh! There are so much. Compassion and forgiveness! Abilities that are becoming rare at this trying times. Tolerant is one thing, being calm amidst troubles. And even if wronged, still able to forgive, not for the sake of forgiveness but something that comes with great understanding of forgiveness, thus, magnanimity. Compassion is another thing, -all the more. I get to remember a line “forgiveness moved by compassion”, I can’t remember exactly where I get it but this is essence.

Today, we need this. Children are becoming all too restless, unstable and violent. We need magnanimity to bring back the innocence in their lives. We owe them that. What good are we as parents if we are unable to protect them from these? Help them recuperate and heal, these are important aspect in their life. The body can only take so much, and they need to heal. Else, all their essence will be destroyed. Jesus’ Nativity is indeed a good start to rekindle the goodness back to our children’s lives. The season, the atmosphere, the attitude that brings in a spark of hope from within. We can still turn this. At the same time, inflict other children as well by sharing. Nothing much, even candies and plastic toys will do! Its really not practical but its all worth the money, seeing the smiles on their faces! And its too little for a sacrifice, -just end up broke for a month. We can get back on our feet next month. And this is what money is for, for good buys! Sharing the buys is just magnanimous! Think about it. God bless.

Dec 03, 2021
Image from unsplash

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$ 8.87 from @TheRandomRewarder
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$ 0.03 from @Ayane-chan
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Written by
2 years ago


Three French Hens and a Partridge in a Pear Tree 🎶

It's true everything you just said. Even though material gifts and decorations aren't everything, for children it is as if the world cleansed it self with wonder and illusion.

I remember one Christmas where we didn't had anything, I mean anything, no Christmas decor, no gifts, no food. My parents were so heartbroken and promised to us that it would be the first and last time that happened, an they kept that promise.

Now we strive to have family union and togetherness, but also, that wonder and joy that comes with the season.

Thank you for this darling!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry to intrude on your comment but I just read what you wrote and found it so nice to see how you say "Although material gifts and decorations are not everything, for children it is as if the world cleanses itself with wonder and illusion." I congratulate you

$ 0.02
2 years ago

No worries Caro, thank you for your words!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for this. Being generous is a very good habit we should learn to grow. Giving is a sign of love

$ 0.00
2 years ago