Not everything is a choice! It's like multiple choice to the best possible answer, applies.

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2 years ago

I have written something about “Pregnancy” and thought of following it thru with “Post Natal”. But I have a good read on “Don't blame people for your character, take responsibility” by @Jerrysavage00. Replying will be too long so I decided to write an article instead.

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It’s a lot new perspective.

 Hmmm… Christian wise, true we are sinful by nature but as Christ came – it all changed, supposedly. Naturally “man love darkness rather than light” (bible verse), but, basically man is more attractive to sinfulness than otherwise. It has become innate character that only so few overcome, so as to say, unfortunately.

But there are contributors to it and a handful was already labeled as excuse, lolz. But I’d like to add. As our journey started by birth and will end in death, in between we all get to grow up. Either we choose to grow or be stuck on where we are, many are actually lost and a few pulled the strings quite well.

Actually, not everything is by choice. Its just a make up lie to make us see the light of the day, actually about 80% of everyday thing is merely forced choice and 20% truly represents choice. Why? In a career choice, many of us ended up working on something we never really liked but we choose to stay because it puts food on our table, -like me. There are other work or jobs out there but this is already a good one with respect to benefits and pay, plus the perks and the work load. So, going out? Is not a wise choice… Why? To think of it, the work load, the pay, the perks plus the benefits… will it surpass the current job? I don’t think so! So, the choice to stay is mine but most likely forced. Granted if there were such job out there that equals everything I mentioned, sure why not? But you cant have everything you want or need. If there were such, perhaps relocation is inevitable. Granting my circumstances with the boys, I just cant go decide on immediate relocation, as there are lots of things to consider. The place to stay, cost of living, safety and many more! So, staying is the "best" choice so to speak. So, choices comes with priorities...

Now, on character… wow! This is something… Well, all I can say it all really have to start from something. From the individuality of the person then goes to the culture he was born on to, then culture he was raised on, and the culture he lives on. Meaning, the moment we were fetuses on our mother’s womb, we already have our own personality. From there you already have your own. Then we all get to come out, some survived, others died. For those who survived, how we developed as how we were graced by our parents/guardian is the formation of our personal that gives birth to our character. As we all grew older, we also have to consider the perspectives we are also exposed to, that is the influenced of our outside world. Now, the parents/guardians are supposed mold children to grow with respect to their culture. This is basically important because this is supposed to be the foundation, a building point in a child’s life. But, this only constitutes 50% because the child has always a choice to follow or not. From then on, we all know what the child has chosen and will go out to the preferred friends that suits their preferred choices and likes. All in all, not everyone gets to hold responsibility on their choice but the shout out is that “this is my choice, respect it, regardless of what you think”. So…

Character is already our built in defenses and offenses. So, we cant really expect someone to adhere to responsibility unless they decided upon it. With our action comes our character, its already there and we cant impose responsibility but only plea. Because it were just possible to impose responsibility then not many will suffer. However, as you already know the world, it is actually full of sufferings. All we can do is bear and adjust. What we do have control over is our own choices, our reactions and attitude on whats happening to the world. If we do decided to raise children, we have a choice either mold them to become a responsible individual or… to make the world a better place. Still boils down to our priorities.

Thank u for the read. God bless.

April 1, 2022
Image: Pinterest

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2 years ago


I'm glad you had a good read. I also love your write-up on the same issue

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Of course, thank u for reading also! See you around.

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2 years ago