Getting Pregnant, my worries and concerns... What to look into?

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2 years ago

Looking back I was 29 when I told my mom I’m pregnant and her reply was that “nganong ni sulod man ka ana, problema mana?”, and this was her 1st grandson (translation: “why decided to, its going to being a problem).

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So that’s how I revealed my pregnancy. On my younger years, I have never imagined that someday i will have my own. I never think I would live a long life but yet, here I am.

Preparing for motherhood wont be as good as it gets because there are far too many things to consider. There are lot of considerations so going pregnant in a 3rd world country and at a very young age will be a very bad challenge. I was already mature when I had my first and there were lots of challenges, so much more at a very tender age!

Challenges I faced when I got pregnant.

1.       Finances. Of course, this is the root of all. Without this, oh no! Even with this, its already hard, how much more when my pockets are really empty? How can I ensure a good pregnancy if I cant finance or buy the things I need to sustain pregnancy?

a.       Medicine, medz I mean are those folic acid, vitamins for the growing baby, iron and calcium supplements. Pregnant mothers need supplements since they are sharing the same nutrition, they must be bombarded with these.

b.       Milk  , indeed this is another that helps sustain. The ones that is for pregnant women. I don’t drink milk so I used the flavored one, I have to gulp a glass not for myself but for my growing child.

c.       Food  è of course, I need to take a lot of mangoes which is rich in folic acid, later water melon, pineapple – that helped me with labour and calamansi – that cleanses my childs body.

d.       Laboratories, tests, consultation  è of course, you have to go through a lot of tests plus doctors fees. Have to know the condition of the baby inside, if the baby is growing normally or too fast. And also to monitor any dangerous conditions like: highblood pressure, diabetes, UTI and other diseases that will endanger the life of the baby.

e.       Baby things? The diapers, shirts and bottles, clothings. Of course this should be prepared if not, it will be a disaster. Including the mild and other things.

f.        Hospitalization  è of course, there are these expenses that you have to worry.

2.       Body malice è another concern is this. A woman’s body undergoes a lot of changes during this time. As the baby is growing there are permanent adjustments on the bones. The body goes through it to accommodate the growing baby that’s why pregnancy really destroys a woman’s body. Like the foot increases 1 inche, the hand too, the hips widens all the more, the breast goes fuller for lactating. There are a lot of changes and these changes are very exhausting. I cant imagine undergoing the pain again. And there are many mothers who lost their teeth because like I already mentioned, they share the same nutrients so calcium is also shared, without the supplements, this happens.

3.       Emotions  è pregnant is more sensitive, not because they wanted so but with all the hormones up to support these changes, it is natural for any woman to be sensitive at this point. That’s why its not good to subject woman to any insecurities because this just doesn’t affect the woman but the baby itself. The slightest change in the mother’s heartbeat already cause a drastic effect to the unborn baby, this is the primary cause of heart failure on babies. So, if there are frequent fights during this time, well you cant expect the baby to come out healthy.

Many people don’t think of these consequences but actually these were my worries during that time. However, God provided and I am thankful I did the journey with him because it were all just about me, I don’t know where I’d be at now. Considering I am not earning much and all the prices are up and all the expenses to worry, no I wouldn’t be whole but shattered into pieces.

If you happened to know any pregnant women? Please, spare them. It’s a lot complicated that what you think. And the changes? Oh! It wasn’t easy! Thank u for your time and God bless!

Images: pinterest and FB downloaded
March 31, 2022

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Written by
2 years ago


Woah I find it hard to raise a baby, thats why I avoid myself now to have a baby haha😅

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Trueee!now I find ways to save. i even thought that I would have a normal delivery but got an emergency c-section insted.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I already forgot about my worries in my time sis, but my family was not treating me well at that time. I cried every night until I fall asleep. I had no one to run into and it so hard

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's really not an easy thing of being pregnant nowadays where every price of basic good are rising and even health is always challenged ,but still,for those who are pregnant,kids are blessings,take care.

$ 0.01
2 years ago