My Boy – a sucker for fairytales?

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Written by
2 years ago

Several months ago I joined a dating site not out of curiosity but a challenge from my colleagues in the shuttle van that took us home from work. Long story short, the van gang wanted me to write another love story – hubby died a long time ago and none since then.

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Well, it isn’t as promising as everyone says it is. There are a lot of scam and true to it, yes, the 1st guy was a scam. Demanding me to help him with his food and daily needs? Like what? Me? Why would I do that? Because he is going to pay me back when his pay check gets through. Aha?! Like I have a dime extra for you. I am really sorry. Then, another one came. Oh no! such a man who calls you stupid and forget it ever happened. Wow! What a way to make up. There were several that messaged but a third one came to get my personal email. I gave it, after all I am not losing anything for giving my email. And now, he is coming.


Ok! we only chatted for about a total less than a month because it took us both days or weeks before we can reply to each other’s email. Me? wasn’t really rushing it, I wasn’t really looking for anything in the 1st place. Nothing revealing except basic information about me having kids and him a widower and his kids too. Didn’t really take it seriously. Then one day he said, he applied for 2 month-vacation and is coming this 24th. Then there came a lot of pause from me. Why? Of course, he hasn’t laid down his plans and its like a plan stricken by lightning, wow! Immediately? Honestly, it was overwhelming for me.


Little did I know, my boy was reading the messages and the last message caught his eyes and giggled. Asking me if it was true and who the guy was. His smile was just all over and was excited for his arrival. He asked for the details which was all in the email. He really couldn’t contain the excitement. Well, all our phones are generally using my account and general rule is no passwords allowed so I can develop “trust” on them and trust me too, knowing of course they will be reading all the messages which I don’t mind. I want them to know everything I do, “got nothing to hide” concept.


Ok! Not everything is ok on dating sites. There are a lot of scams so be careful. And for a relationship to succeed it takes a lot of effort and patience. Compatibility wise, it such an effort considering the different cultures other countries has, the mere mindset and priorities are also to consider. Then importantly if you hold such values and morals that the other party may or may have not, you may end up with a compromise. Many will find it frustrating but there are also a Cinderella-like-tale that came true. But hey! Its all up to you. I’m not encouraging but please proceed with caution, you will never know how the other party is unless he shows the real self.

Ok, back to mine. I still have to figure it out if it’s a life-time prince charming or just someone who stays in a while. I still have to find it out when he comes over. My son is really excited and encouraging it. Who knows if this is it. He says “mommy, who would come over just to meet you? Considering how plain and simple you are… and mind you, he came from the other part of the world just to see you!” Specifically from to Philippines. So I said, Ok! Ok! I’ll give it a shot. Lets see!

*lead image from upsplash

Again, thank u for reading. God bless. A continuation awaits.

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Written by
2 years ago


Wow, I pray the man is what you really wish because dating site are actually filled with scammers only few people are true there.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I really postponing to answer because, he arrived but he had some trouble at Manila airport and wanted me to assist him financially which i didn't. And he just nowhere to be found?! hahaha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

OMG my friends have wanted to open an account for me over the past years but I can't do it, I don't see myself in that spot. Hopefuly you find someone good, even if it's just to be friends, that's nice too!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

He run into trouble when he arrived in Manila, asking for financial assistance which i dont have. And now, I dont have an update. So... I really haven't replied because I kinda lost in the thought how to answer... hahaha! a failed one? He spent 3K Gdp just to get here and I really dont know where he is now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! Don't know what to think, maybe he is maybe he's not.

At least has he tried to contact you other than to ask for financial assistance? Maybe if he shared what happened to him you could seek a way to help, but, with no information whatsoever, I don't know, it's shady.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, its shady.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can testify that there are lot of scams on dating site. Some people will even ask you of flight fee to come see you and they’ll runaway with the money which is not supposed to be. I think this man really loves you for real though

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I think this is what he run into trouble when he arrived and asked for financial assistance. hahaha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago