Lights Off!

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2 years ago

I arrived home from my shift and boys were still asleep. I mused with the thought of what breakfast would be, -hmmm just the usual. Scrambled eggs and ham, and oh, left-over rice. So, left-over rice, throwing food was never something I was fond of. Anyway, I could make fried rice out of it that the boys loved, especially kuya.

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Power Off

Knowing I arrived, kuya complained of power shortage. It was off and on. He even took off his shirt because it was getting humid with no power supply. While still at the thought, the power went off,-again. Oh no! And the thought came at me like, how was I supposed to sleep? So I immediately took a shower to freshen up as my eyes were already drowsy, and it worked, I got to sleep 2 hours.

Still Power Off

So still no power when I wake up 2 hours after. The odd thing was that Door 1 was asking if I we had power because they too didn’t have power, while outside they were enjoying the benefits. So I started musing myself the thought that our landlord’s daughter didn’t pay the bills. Door 1 and the landlord fought over what happened and they confirmed, bill due was not paid, so power was cut. And oh, oh! It was already late in the afternoon and omg, another night with lights off? The only consolation we had was that it was cold and rained the whole night so it was just suitable for the boys to go to sleep while I worked that night. I didn’t message nor called the landlord’s daughter for explanation because I was exhausted thinking of a strategic approach to such. The one thing I didn’t like was we had to lit a candle and it was too dangerous for me to leave it when I went to work. So, I left home all dark.

The landlord’s daughter message me all too apologetic about what happened but what can I do? And I don’t want to be stressed with what just happened but they gave me the reason they forgot to pay the bill?  I still don’t want to react but knowing their plan of paying it in the afternoon? Really? Like they don’t feel the urgency to mend what happened by not taking immediate action? So, I message back that if that was their plan, they should have told me earlier so I can go pay the bill in their behalf. But all of the sudden she messaged that it was paid, after deliberately said otherwise.


Sunday, the landlord’s daughter visited their father and got a fight with him because her father won’t allow them to occupy the house that was previously occupied by their mom, when she was alive. However, it was truly bad taste to punish their father by deliberately not paying the bills on time and unfair for the tenants as we paid all in time. While I learned very important lessons, like my sons were capable of adjusting, to the max, and do not complain and fight me over something I had no control off. To this, I was thankful but in a matter of decency, family feud shouldn’t be concern of the tenants because its completely off limits.  Just because they had a fight and we need to pay the price? Not fair. We had our own family issues but the way they were treating their father was something I nor my boys do not agree because elderly’s should not be subjected to harsh treatment. Though I hadn’t expressed my thoughts on it and not planning to. I just didn’t think it was necessary, the power offs!

Then after

People really has a way of… without thinking of the consequences. They’re trying so hard to save their faces but the reasons were obviously off, backfired and made a laughing stock out of them. I mean, they’re professionals, both dentists by profession and who would have thought they could do so? As adults, we really need to think harder, such a shame and distaste! Like, we really to grow up because it's not reason enough to act like idiots!

Oh! My boys are asking for an action plan should this happen again. Oh my? Seriously, they are growing. And I should grow up too! Need to be ready for the next episodes of power offs, not that I have a budget for a grid! But hey, there are cheap gadgets sold on shoppee, like USB lights powered by power banks and solar chargers?! This way I won't have to leave for work all lights off!

In the end, I'm glad this happened it pushes me to think beyond what I have and not settle for anything less!

Just sharing, any thoughts? Thank u, and bless you!

Nov 7, 2021


$ 3.35
$ 3.28 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @rebeysa85
$ 0.02 from @Lovelyfaith
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Written by
2 years ago


Ah..that's so sad. People really don't think about consequences and what they are causing to other people. I hope you will find a good way out.

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry, we never had lights off before and my chargeable is pretty old and need some whacking and the phones were good before, the were not charged that time. It was like 48hrs no power and really caught me off guard! Thank u for smack!!! Mwah!

$ 0.00
2 years ago