Hello November, Goodbye October

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2 years ago
Topics: Calendar

Oh! I didn’t have a cake! I told kuya, buy me cake! And he told me, “no money, no cake.”. Oh, my!

We celebrated our birthdays together since its just 6 days apart and we hang out whole day together in our room. We watched his favorite T.V. drama and I thought he liked it. He was happy he got a gift from his aunt, my “best friend” they say. And got him his favorite cake, the new flavor since it tastes and melts like ice-cream.


Is a very busy month. His birthday and mine, so we are year old now than ever! He got what he prayed for. Game perks, tickets for ML diamonds and coins and Call of Duty coins with his gift. While I was busy musing about the renewing my records, have to renew my license and my voters since its been a while since I had voted and with the upcoming election, I can only wish to participate. And additional perks, most importantly is that I have another ID available to present. ID’s has been very scarce and very difficult to obtain these days. I have to admit, I did neglect to take care of my voter’s ID because about 10 years ago it wasn’t a proper ID to begin with a long time ago, it was barely used because it wasn’t considered valid that time. Now, its considered secondary identification. With my UMID lost, I have no other except for my driver’s licence and TIN. Compliance is something that I’d like to adhere else I will have problems accessing just about anything, even my bank records. Online transactions with wallets needs verification that included ID’s. Who would have thought, over the years, fraudulent transactions have incrementally increased, -scams too has its known contributions? And lo, I’m happy last day of registration was a success.

Back to goal and plans, getting my Voters, now wasn’t a goal because it has been a goal for some time now but failed, since I transferred into the city. So, planned it out, surveyed it and executed. And so was the plan to write, at least I wrote 25 articles, I survived.


Oh no, November! Thank u November I pretty much attract an attention and increased sponsorship to 2 and subscription too, from 9 to 11, yey! Thank you so much for the support. And lo, I have several comments to reply to. I'm glad to be given this opportunity to share my thoughts., thank u. I do plan to explore to explore a mature topics and discussion. I do hope to be able to pull it thru.

While at the office, busy as always, closing a month and opening a month is as always through the years. And I'm glad and blest because it brings food on the table while many lost their jobs since last year due to pandemic. I can imagine how lucky I am to be working still, God really provides.

A bright new day awaits us, 'til then. God bless, ciao.




$ 1.27
$ 1.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @rebeysa85
$ 0.02 from @Gaftekloriginal
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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Calendar


I wish you great joy this November and that all your goals get accomplished! God Bless you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Likewise! Thank u.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You really got a nice way to start November, am happy for you friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, will be exploring new topics in the next few.. Thank u for the support.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ohhhhh nice start of November hope it will be the beginning of your journey! Hahhah nice your kuya played a lot of online games heheh, me I just play ml hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i guess boys play a lot online as long as module is done before submission, oks ra jud. Try call of duty, its almost the same as ML.

$ 0.00
2 years ago