Garden projects: Garden towers, our own vertical garden.

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1 year ago

I have been meaning to build a vertical garden that is portable and perfect for indoor gardening. Over the weekend, the materials arrived and our DIY project is just timely at hand! And eventually made a video on this, posted it, and joined our company's activity on DYI for kids - though originally my own DIY but since "for kids" I might as well have my son join! It's more fun though having my little assistant with me doing things!

Oh! A space saver and energy saver at the same time. Easier maintenance for the running strawberries, where you can just plug in the runners - making a new mother plant. Pretty convenient isn't it? Oh! Also for the fruits where it is easy to monitor, almost rot-proof since they will all be hanging instead of sagging on the soil. While the epiphytes enjoy almost a replica of their original environment, close to what nature provides for them.

Well, the wielded wire has arrived, cement is ready, red lead with the brush is up while the ties are just around… the assembly is ready as our hands will be fully loaded with all these. Oh! I have to ask my son to pick some rocks to put the weight down below for the towers to stand, which I missed filming - a souvenir of the look on his serious face picking up some stones for this project!

Cutting the wielded wire has proven to be labor with the hands as shears were not available, using only scissors. The red lead is for rust prevention as we all know, metals exposed to air and water eventually rust. And I’d like to enjoy the towers for years, so I decided to apply the red lead.

However, when I realized that the towers were too high, affecting structure and balance, I cut about a foot of it. Height was about 4ft, towering though but not good balance especially for the one that I had some soil on it, it was heavier. Unlike the charcoal, moss & cocopeat mix for the orchids were lighter. Oh, clumsy me…

There is the 4th tower and I decided to make a cacsulent tower, together with haworthia as a mix. Though I would love to have lithops on it but I don’t have lithops on my palate for now. Perhaps in the future. For this, my concept was to create a garden that shows its possibility and wonders which are not yet embraced in this part of the world. Perhaps but not well exposed. At the same time, it saves me pots! Lolz, I am running out of pots and have no budget for additional. Hihihi!

With the smaller cuts of the wielded wires, I thought of making shorter towers perhaps for a table decoration, especially for the phals. Now I think about it, will be doing some before posting this and showing you the pictures.

As I had written in the past articles, I plan to grow my own food – my primary aim and have succeeded in a way where I enjoy harvesting the bitter gourd for my packed lunch at the office. And harvest some spices especially the lemongrass for the stew, so I don’t necessarily go out and buy. Putting it all together where I finally found a good planter for my potatoes, have it planted early this afternoon, hoping for a success story for this. Of course, not all were a success but they said, “never say die”. So, I kept on trying… No pain, no gain?

Thank u for reading, ‘til the next update. Sorry for the blurry pictures, I'm stressed...

August 24, 2022
Image: my own

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Written by
1 year ago


Gardening is my best part time hobby.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Cacsulent - now that's a word :D Good luck with your garden towers!

$ 0.01
1 year ago