"Circumcision: Boy's right of passage", our story.

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2 years ago

Oh! yes, yes! i’ve been doing a series of writing prompts before march ended and early April. Its fun, well at least I’m having fun. Though im not sure the other party’s is doing so. Its not supposed to be writing prompts but rather response to articles I read at read.cash that I usually find myself almost writing an article to response. So instead, I turned it into writing prompts, Im not sure if its nice but I got some responses. I am not stimulating anything nor trying to attract audience, like I already claimed, I love the anonymity read.cash offers and I would never exchange it for anything else. Privacy is still important to me!

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Next business is… An article from @Dreamboy “Family Gathering: Our Tradition of Circumcision Part 2”. This is long overdue, sorry, been busy. I didn’t read part 1 but reading this brings me back to the time that my eldest son consented to do his circumcision… hihihi! Oh! that is fun, I have a very bad habit of teasing my sons. Every year I ask him if he wanted to do it na, “the circumcision” thing. And he said, “I tell you when I’m ready mom!”. So, me “ok”. “Alright”. I am not really the kind who insists unless its “life and death”. But things like this, I do usually wait because “it’s the boy’s right of passage”, so who am I to get in the way of that passage! Right? Of course. I waited until he finally said, “mum, I’m ready”. And I say with a big "YES"!!!

Then came “summer”… Oh! It was easy but hey! I was never circumcised so I was again clueless! Oh no! hahaha! That’s actually the fun part where I never had an idea what boy undergo when circumcised… hmmm… i’m glad the procedure was really easy and he didn’t cry and aching afterwards. It was all easy for him and taking out the discomfort or any injury, he wore short shirt and wear bottomless for the next 2-3 weeks. He stayed all the time at home and good that we lived in our own private place, he didn’t care much that he was exposing himself to us. Hygiene was important and antibiotics for the infection, should there be! Every day routine was bathing in guava soaked water for fast healing of the wound and some turmeric powder to alleviate the swelling. I, the mum was much more anxious for the healing to pace up as that I was already at the edge of my seat waiting for the wound to heal. Like, the end of 2nd week is almost there and it was still swelling! And can’t help but worry about if it was infected or not, but he was not having any fever. They say it heals at least 2 weeks but it could really go to a month! Like, waaa, my head was already spinning because I really cant wait for my child to go out and play already! I was the one anxious but my son was just waiting there patiently. And one day he said, “mum, im good!” and he was wearing some bottoms again! Ha! (sigh), a big relief! It was finally over! He was already running towards the sea to freshen up as summer heat was just excruciatingly hot!

Yes, that was over for kuya! Bunso is still to undergo the same! But he is still bunso… this time, I know. I know what to do! Unlike before, wow! 2-3-4 weeks wait, its long! Really. Summer is up but its been raining non-stop and storms are overlapping, that landslides are everywhere! Anyway, will have schedule bunso’s circumcision this coming school end. Oh! I’m excited though he is not because he saw what we did to kuya, we had fun teasing him…

We really don’t have any tradition on how circumcision is done like other culture. What’s important to me is that I’d be there to watch over them as they undergo the “right of passage”, or “change”. Yes, I understand. Fear is inevitable but I can’t help it, they have to. They have to face it and one good thing is that I am still here, to hold their hand and watch over them as they undergo such change. Assuring them that I’d be there holding their hand no matter what. Mommy's not letting go until you are comfortable and confident. They may not have a father but I can help them become one in the future. Hoping, the good one! Thank u for the read! God bless.

April 12, 2022
Image: pinterest

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2 years ago
