Christmas Trials!

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Written by
2 years ago

Typhoon Odette – local name

Hmph! My son said: “their houses are not tank build”, and I refuted “so ours?”, he answered “we’re on Athena’s shield”. Jokingly said and we laughed out loud as the storm passed by, -ML players!

Sponsors of Jento

I left home and went to office in the midst of the storm. Basically, most parents would naturally not but I’m different. I left because I trusted my sons will be alright, and my sons were pushing me to go! I guess that they wanted me out to feel a little trust and freedom, -independence? Hmmm, makes me think – though I really trust them without hesitation, I want them to grow. So, when I arrived when work was finally suspended, they were all sleeping – snoringly sleeping. Thank God I can confidently leave them at home going to work.


Debris are everywhere. On the sides, tops and bottom. Most people complained their roofs or ceiling. Fall off or uprooted trees, debris were just about everywhere. Services are cut due to debris, clearing needs to be done first and everyone else really just have to work. Currently gasoline stations are fully filled while others already ran out of supply but people are piling up, just about everywhere. Early this morning, people were lining up for charging, water refilling and gasoline stations. While I am motivated to go to work to charge the cellphones and power bank so we have something to communicate with. I prefer this than going out to charging stations that will take about forever to charge since you have to line up and wait for your turn.

At the height of the storm, I was a bit… ??? when I heard people were having panic/anxiety attacks, my colleague’s kids were calling in, crying and almost screaming because they were afraid. I really wonder why. I am sorry but I really have a different reaction to everything. My boss is having anxiety/nervous reaction yesterday and was very anxious to go home. While he relaxed as I arrived because it was just not possible to go out that time. I am a bit pissed because he failed to understand that going out means suicide! Going home is really a priority but first thing first, safety! What happens to his family if along the road something happens? It is proven, something can happen along the road, he got flat tires attempting to go home as he attempted and had to come back.


Fear drives us insane, I know but! We shouldn’t let it control us. I am just glad, I was raised Christian. Whatever sector you’re in, catholic/Baptist/angelican – we are all the same, believing in Christ. I am glad because I get to overcome fear by prayer. I get to overcome a lot of bad happenings by prayer, especially when we’re in fellowship, we can get thru storms. Another day, another sunrise! We get to wait to see another day! You see, there is no enough preparation done to make us see thru storms because all those preparations can by wiped out in a glance! This faith is what gets me thru troubled times. I cannot say that you’d do the same but you can always start with little prayers. In time, it’ll grow if you nourish it. To my point of view, this is the best solution to my problem, my coping mechanism and I am happy. Hopefully yours do serves you well, however, should it not - you are always welcome to find security in mine! You can at least give it a try! God bless.

December 18, 2021
Lead image from pinterest
Image all mine

$ 3.63
$ 3.48 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @rebeysa85
$ 0.04 from @ErdoV
+ 2
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Avatar for Jento
Written by
2 years ago


I hope everyone is alright :( I'm glad to hear your family is okay. Your boys are brave they, it's great to see they weren't anxious about the whole thing.

I want to give you a big thank you for your sponsorship @jento. You do not know how much I appreciated your kindness and your faith in me, right from the first day. It was amazing. I never forget your caring and kind heart actions.

I will not be writing anymore, so your kind sponsorship.

I feel great guilt receiving tips that most of it is lost in the wallet. I have been having so much issues with the wallet and every time tips disappear.

Again, thank you very much from my heart :)

I Wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season and a blessed New Year full of joy, peace and prosperity.

Thank you Jento :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh! Will be missing your writing that's for sure. Yes, I am happy my boys are resilient with everything that's happening... Its been a very long week and still has a lot to do in the coming days and challenges too! still no power and even communication is down. May the Lord bless you and family. If you can still make it, do write. It relieves a lot of things within. Merry Christmas!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sending you and your family lots of love and good wishes for the Christmass and a blessed ahead with property.

May the mercy and blessing of God be upon you all and the country.

I plan to write again when the site stabilizes.

With a heartwarming blessing to your way.

Take care- my good wishes to your wife and the boys :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh! I am so happy to know you will be back writing... please do! You such a rare mind. And thank u for all the good wishes. Honestly, i'm physically tired from all these. A lot of cleaning is needed and i've not gone thru half of it. Especially on my parents house, its such a wreck! But, Merry Christmas to you and family. God bless.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good to know you and your family are safe, my prayer has been with everyone that's been affected with the typhoon.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm happy that you and your boys are ok, that's something amidst all that Odette did in your country. May God in his infinite wisdom keep blessing you 🙏🏻

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank u so much for your kind words and your prayers! May God continue to bless you and family! keep safe too!

$ 0.00
2 years ago