Christmas! Joy to the world, the Lord has come!

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Written by
2 years ago

A song so familiar!

I am a fan of Pinterest. I’d rather be there than with FACEBOOK but I’m also a fan of FB marketplace than of lazada because I love to order plants there… I’m really broke, hahaha! Its not the season, it’s the pandemic. Everything seems very expensive, from fare to food! OMG, it aches my heart knowing I have work with salary to look forward but still broke while those who were laid off the other year. Surviving is… well, struggle is really true and its insane! But God supplies our needs! He provides provision! He never fails. So awesome you know! And even if its just the 2nd day of our paycheck and every was already allocated and gone, “Noche Buena” with the boys is already secured! Thank God, really Lord thank u. We still enjoy some fansies and more frugal than usual. However it is, we are very thankful.

I found this on PINTEREST. Well, what can I say? I gave up academe a long time ago and I’m not a fan of theology nor philosophy. Not that it makes me sick or what, but it makes me feel like I’m not human being inclined to such. It all becomes too academic and almost to the point that is sacred, not quarantined but an implied “do not touch!”, untouchable – lolz! Im not into academic duel, but a long time ago – I would say it a go but now… Im human and happier! I no longer set expectations but rather forgiving and accepting in its shortness. It doesn’t frustrate me any longer but enables me to work more and beyond expectations. Hardly perfection but work thru my imperfections. Hahaha! I’m not cheezy though, im not a sucker for dramatics. Those films that contain so much crying, “bali-bali ang sagpa sa face!” (slap in the face), cat fights, especially the overly done ones! Oh no I’m not. I belong to the marginal and controlled response individuals. Hihihi!  Though I’m thankful that man was basically designed to have intelligence that matches the angels’ but, I’d rather have the heart that understands, timid and meek than be intelligent and filled with pride and arrogance, aw! Lucifer was bright and all, but got himself kick-off heaven, so… He took Earth from MAN who willingly gave it to him. And now, wow, man couldn’t even take it back from him because man fall short of all the expectations/qualifications!? Or man is just really stupid? I dont know! Or say, Satan is just too cunning to be overcomed by man? Well, God became man. Stepped down from His thrown and be with His people. And even so, He was misunderstood still. The very people who He came down to save, rejected him with their views of the word and law – their version of law and order!

I really wouldn’t claim to know the in depths knowledge of God’s message. I’d rather simplify it and even oversimplifying it at most. Perhaps I'm too plain and simple, but I love it that way because its easy to understand. Straight forward than beating around the bush! The Jews have the Pharisees and Sadducees to interpret the LAW given to them but they “become stiff and regulated”, thus the essence of God’s law diminished. Have you have any idea how intricate their practices are? Never mind... Even Jesus couldn't stand it to the point of calling them HYPOCRITES! Because they wear clean clothes but their actions were profoundly evil. And despite all the privileges that God gave them, they still fail in understanding God saving Grace. In the end, killed the very King that came down to save them. But a last, without it, we wouldn’t be save ayt? Hihi! I’m thankful for their “stiffened heart” that we are SAVED.

Aye! Lets continue to share God’s saving Grace! Lets be in fellowship… not in bitterness but in our willingness to do sacrifice in God’s name. Lets show compassion no matter how little that is, at least in our own way… just little steps, for God does the rest! the big ones! God bless! 😁😁😁

Dec 16, 2021
All image Pinterest

Oh! I haven't really improved! Looking at my audience, its still is the same... and I'm really happy! Dont really know how to market, despite graduating with Marketing skills - extremely poor marketing skills! Hahaha!

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2 years ago
