And the Discrimination has begun!

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2 years ago

2022, dawn of rising sun? hahaha! Oh no! it’s a daunting year for those reluctant to vaccine. There are a lot of speculations along the way, from zombie effects of the vaccine to a lot of alterations on human system due to RNA vaccine design and furthermore! Why reluctant when we’ve been taking vaccines since infancy? Wow! The kind of vaccines we take without our consent because right from the start its mandatory. Like ???, my head went blank just I was about to make a list of vaccines! Arg! So to be factual and precise, amongst are the mandatory during infancy and is given at local health center for free. List: HepA, HepB, DTap (Deptheria, tetanus, pertussis), IPV,Hib, MMR, and a lot more?!!! I don’t really know and understand the premise of the “reluctance”.  

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All the more, as adults… many have been taking FLU vaccines for years now since it started not long ago! And its yearly specially for those prone to FLU. Women have been taking shots of HPV, cervical cancer awareness where I lost a friend recently with that fight.

Of course, I totally respect individual perception about vaccines but its rare occasion these days to be unvaccinated. Statistics presented are high unless of course. Relative doubts on altered numbers, well, with all that’s going around these days… a lot of LAWS been passed to protect fraudulent information so, its most unlikely to be altered. While I do understand the concerns of senior citizens on getting on vaccine due to co-morbidities: Highblood pressure, diabetes, heart ailment and so much more… oh well! They still want to live older age. Its given. Who would want to die? Especially the ones who think they deserve to live longer years! People!

Unfortunately though, many buildings refuse access if unvaccinated. If vaccinated, need the fully vaccine to be admitted. Our office doesn’t refuse access but those unvaccinated will be submitted to swab/PCR test every 2 weeks which is paid directly from our own pockets, -economically, this is truly unwise!

Ok, we pursue our logic based on our needs. So honestly, being a single mom I have no one else to depend our income from. So I need this, not just income but I need to put food on my table –else we starve.  Luckily, Pfizer became the brand my vaccines are taken. And recently had my booster, which is great since it was facilitated… hustle free!

Im not that obedient, its just merely a need. For the next future rounds, for now being fully vaccinated is the only requirement and booster is already at hand. I couldn’t think of more rounds in the future unless of course we encounter another COVID variant in the near future. For my kids, safety is important. Thank u for reading! Keep safe and God bless!

Feb 13, 2022
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2 years ago
