A Visitor in our Patio – A Python

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2 years ago

The Storm

The sky was dark almost a week now and the patio was never dry. Tw’s because a storm hit our country and it passed by near our province. So, it was all dark every day and cozy as winter in the tropics – either you go drowsily all day or catch cold.

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Daily Routine

It was weekend and I didn’t my usual weekend routine. I usually just do the usual chores, cook, wash the dishes and do some cleaning but I always sleep early because water supply was only available in the early hours of dawn. If I were to do laundry, I have to do it at dawn. Then, I went to bed early as usual while the boys played all night. It was the same cozy night so I didn’t have problems with ventilation and the boys miraculously went to bed early too. To which I was so happy because they went to bed early without me making a fuzz.

@ Dawn

I was awaken by the sound hassling chickens outside by our neighbors. I didn’t get up immediately, was waiting for my eyes to settle in. Then I heard a denting sound on our roof, I was thinking of looking but my eyes were still sore. Then minutes passed and another denting sound on the roof, still intended to look but my eyes was really still sore. It was about 15 minutes that passed then I was able to get up and check and lo! A snake hanging by the jackfruit tree, the first time I saw it wild this big. It didn’t look hungry because it didn’t eat the cat that was watching it climb. The cat was amazingly shocked watching the snake climb, wandering how it’s playmate grew so humongous in size. He had some playmates, all too small that it killed all of them.

The Snake

It was really my first time seeing one on the run because he seemed to have feed on the chicken as he passed by. Amazingly, instead of hassling my neighbors to catch it, I just watched it climbed even failed to take a photo as a souvenir because I find the snake nice to look at. It’s head, body and tail was nicely curled up on the tree. It was like 15 minutes until I could no longer see the tail. Me, afraid? I wasn’t I was more calm and composed, thought it was better than small snakes because big snakes were slow as I saw it and very visible to the eyes, giving me plenty of time to see it first and react. I was just glad it was cozy because my boys were already asleep, didn’t have to share the horrors with them. The aftermath of seeing one and be left in the evening when I had to go to work.


I kept on thinking what and where it came from. Though the jungle fronting our patio may be the source but it was the 1st for 6 months. It didn’t look hungry. In fact, I thought it stayed a while on the roof because its smelling like dead rodent up there. I messaged the landlady to inform them so if they planned of catching it. Then she was ranting about rodents and pest, unfortunately, we didn’t have rats down there, I don’t know where the rats the roof came from.


Although it was a good encounter but I don’t want unnecessary worry in the future. There really are no rodents on the floor but still something like that visited. Well, there isn’t much to do but vigilance and keep the things in order and for safety, kids are not allowed to spend a lot of time in the patio. If to find another place is necessary, be it. Its better safe.

Thank you for staying, ‘til next article. God bless.

*photo credits from upsplash.

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Written by
2 years ago


Take care always.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

thank u for the read.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow shocking experience! I hate snake I scared of it. Good thing your boys went sleep early, it might be the reason for them to be scared if they also witnessed the indecent.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

well, i dont like snakes too but this one was handsome. Instead of getting chill, I admired it? I wanted to take photo but instead I stood there admiring the snake...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ehhhhh so scary

$ 0.00
2 years ago