A Season of Sharing!

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2 years ago

Ahhh! Its “Thanksgiving” … Locally, we don’t but we adhere to US holiday, so… Its really been a while I haven’t done anything for occasion. Years back, I used to busy some supplies and pack some and gave it away to some neighbors more unfortunate than us… This has been a practice for about 5 years as I always believed that returning the good to the community is best way of giving thanks. It was easier before because we know people, -neighbors, however today as we relocated, its more like embarrassing since we don’t know anyone. I really seldom go out unless I have to buy supplies or work, -payment is most likely thru online payment system. Most of all our place is located, to describe it is – almost very exclusive, so I called it “our cave”.

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Already mentioned before I only earn barely enough to enough, so I don’t really expect I can buy much for this yearly project. Basically its all just some grocery items which aims to support the “Noche Buena” that we locally practice during Christmas. This is an equivalent celebration except of course this is done on the eve of Christmas, where ideally, family and friends are gathered and share “Noche Buena” together. For a more elaborate practice, exchange gifts and other activities that promote the seasons “giving”. A way to commemorate God’s loving Saving grace by giving his Son to save us. That is what I was taught and carved it into my heart, believing that “giving/sharing” even the littlest I can, is an expression of unravel gratitude towards God, or in general concept “good”. Although, I have to be honest, it could had been a good money to save but the overall impact isn’t the same. While on Christmas day, we have pre-pack candies/goods distributed to the children. Originally having games was fun but! I really don’t like to stay around crowds so, drop the concept, it will be part of distribution together the food usually “spaghetti” to the children. And our eldest sister, knowing the plan, send some money for additional buy for the kids. The left-over are for the adults. I’m naturally inclined to spoil kids and the elderly. The elderly enjoys the packed groceries I had prepared for them. Its really not lucrative you know, just basics, ingredients for “spaghetti” – for this I am lucky that they already have this as a package deal, so its not expensive anymore as it used to be. Then, some ingredient so for salad also have the packages, and the remaining budget are canned goods they can consume either today or in the future, really just this. If eldest sibling sent in additional funding, ahhh, the kids will be very pleased. Its really handful you know and I love to watch them living not empty handed. And since I can outsource, I make it to a point to look for some inexpensive toys so these children can enjoy playing.


We have our ways of celebrating and this is how we do ours. I do this for joy and is simply amazingly heart-warming activity, especially if genuine and sincere. You want to try it? Go ahead, then you’ll understand what I mean. I really mean to celebrate Christmas as it supposed to be, “Sharing and giving”. Despite it evolving, I do still hope its meaning still manifest. God bless.

Nov 25, 2021
All photos are mine

$ 1.78
$ 1.68 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @rebeysa85
$ 0.03 from @Ayane-chan
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Written by
2 years ago


We have the same values, Sir. I also believe that sharing or giving is back to the graces that God has given us.

I'm just curious...

Didn't Americans usually cook Turkeys on a "Thanksgiving Day"?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Well, turkey is what i see on movies... I work on Thanksgiving so, I really don't know. I don't know so many expat and I don't chat or ask. I barely interact with expat at work, though I have a friend. I will ask, he is back in New Jersey before Covid.

$ 0.00
2 years ago