Thanks... But no, thanks!

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Written by
2 years ago

Are you familiar with the saying, "thanks, but no, thanks"? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone offers you help or favor and you do not want to accept it? It happens to me very often. Inner feeling or intuition does not allow me to accept everything that is offered to me because sometimes even seemingly good intentions do not have to be good by default.

It's not easy to say no. And the hardest thing is to say "no" to people close to you. It’s even harder to say no when someone offers you something that sounds good and should be good. It is difficult to convince that person of "no". When someone is persistent, it often happens that we say "yes" even though we would say "no". In this way, we please others and go against ourselves. I used to find it difficult to say “no”. But now I no longer accept anything I do not want and I feel a great relief.

If you don't want something, feel free to say "thanks, but no, thanks". You will be polite and you will not be bad or less worthy if you refuse something. You will not offend others or make them feel bad. You will be okay. And they will be okay too. If they are not okay, don't worry, because it is not your fault. So let's be free. Let's say "thanks, but no, thanks".

When we say "thanks, but no, thanks", we always have our reasons for that, which may or may not be rational. But it doesn't matter if they are rational if we feel that way. We don’t have to say out loud our reasons. We can keep them to ourselves. The only thing that matters is respecting our free will.

Let's see how it sounds.

Thanks for wanting to take on my responsibilities at work and help me, but I believe you may use that against me tomorrow by telling our boss that you have had too much to do, so no, thanks.

Thanks for wanting to come into my kitchen and prepare lunch to help me but no, thanks, I do not need such help because after that I will spend more time in the kitchen than it took to prepare lunch, putting everything back in its place.

Thanks for wanting to go shopping for me, but no, thanks, because I know best what I need and while I explain or write the list to you, I will do the shopping myself.

Thanks for wanting to give me the money, but no, thanks, because you will ask for it back tomorrow and I don't know if I will have it.

Thanks for wanting to give me clothes you don't wear anymore but no, thanks, because I know you just wanted to clean your closet and I have to do the same with mine.

These are the first situations that came to my mind and I have already experienced them. 😊 Have you experienced anything similar? I would love to read about it.

Thank you very much for reading.

The article and the lead image are original and mine.

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Written by
2 years ago


I can relate to both, but it's harder for me to say no to people when they ask me for something, rather then when they offer to help me.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Me, too, i prefer to say thanks,but no thanks. Because even if its good, I am just too shy to accept something which I can acquire and I do not want to be indebted to anyone. Our parents raise us not to be accept and accept anything from anyone that we did not work for it, so we have to say thanks in any way if possible. Stay safe and healthy.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah I prefer doing things I have to do by myself, sometimes some help is welcome but when you ask for it that it's when you really needed it. In those other situations often can create other complications later so... thanks, but no, thanks.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

At work , I appreciate people that will help me with work and task, however, when they still don't understand the process after two explanations, the answer is no thanks, I will just find ways to meet the deadlines. Some might do the job, but it might lead to mistake because they don't understand it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I always like to help people more than my ability. I don't care what will be next but i should help right now.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I've experienced such,and all I do say is "Thanks" whenever someone offers to help me with my duties.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Have I experienced such? Oh dear, too much. I'm done with that.

$ 0.01
2 years ago