Sunday from A to Z

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Avatar for Jelena
Written by
2 years ago

Today is Sunday. If your mood is on the verge of drowning in the depths of worries and torments, know that there are a lot of feelings floating on the surface in the hope that you will accept them as part of yourself. And what day would be more ideal than Sunday to throw garbage that pollutes your spirit. It seems that only Sunday has that power to focus you on yourself, bring you in front of the mirror of your face and soul and give you enough time to remember that you exist. And when you remember that you exist, you may not be able to recognize yourself if you are overwhelmed by everyday life, but you will have enough time to fix what you see because today is Sunday, a day for you.

Crush all the negative emotions and throw them somewhere where you are sure they can't come back, at least today. And then remember how many positive emotions there are and let some of them become a part of you. There are a lot and they exist for a reason so that we can feel them.

So let's go from A to Z. You choose today how you will feel. So choose to be:

A - Amused

Have fun. Entertain yourself or give others a chance to do it for you. We can't be serious all the time, it's harmful.

B - Buoyant

Float on air and let nothing stop you from being lively.Β 

C - Cheerful

Be your own sun today. Share happiness, compliments and positive vibes.

D -Delighted

Let the little things excite you, don't expect big surprises. Delight when you see a blooming flower, rain, child's play, a dog that is looking forward to you and is waiting for you to caress it.

E - Enthusiastic

You have energy, express it freely. A lot of things can excite you and make you enthusiastic, just let your spirit express itself, maybe it's stuck.

F - Fulfilled

Achieve something that will fulfill you, it doesn't have to be a big deal. Make a cake, sing, paint a picture, write a song, make a child smile.

G - Grateful

It is enough that we have opened our eyes this morning, to be grateful. Thank everyone who is doing something good for you. Be grateful that you can write an article today.

H - Happy

Of course! You will find at least one reason, and that is enough.

I - Inspired

Being inspired is a natural flow. Enter your nature and feel its peace.

J - Jocular

Too much seriousness will never satisfy our need for laughter that we need like the water we drink. Tell a joke, motivate others to joke, laugh together.

K - Kind

You are not the center of the world. Give others a nice word, an ear to listen to, help. Don't keep kindness to yourself, share it.

L - Lazy

You have to be lazy sometimes. Laziness can lead to great achievements.

M - Marvelous

You are already like this. You don't need to do anything about it.

N - Naughty

Just a little. You have to spice up your life sometimes.

O - Optimistic

Not too much, but we should have an optimistic attitude because that increases the chance that something good will happen.

P - Peaceful

We need peace to have inner well-being.

Q - Quiet

Sometimes it's good to be quiet. There is a saying in my country: "The quiet water destroys the hill".

R - Relaxed

This is very important. It doesn't matter which way you choose to relax but choose at least one.

S - Satisfied

Remember from time to time to achieve both mental and physical satisfaction. We are hedonists by nature, we have to be satisfied.

T - Tolerant

Tolerance is a good way to avoid wasting energy.

U - Useful

Be useful in anything, because that is the only way we have the purpose of our existence.

V - Vivacious

You can be vivacious even when you are lazy if your spirit is playful.

W - Witty

Impress yourself and others with your clever humor. We can all be witty.

Y - Youthful

You are young as you feel. Nurture your young spirit, to live easily.

Z - Zestful

We have more energy than we can imagine. We just need to activate it. Let's fly around! 😊

Thank you very much for your time.

The article is original and mine.Β The lead image is from

Enjoy Sunday!

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Written by
2 years ago


I am fulfilled today .I made several useful things. for myself. The post Is really amazing.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks, I am glad you are fulflled. It is very important for us to do good things for ourselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Haven't tried this acrostic kind of a thing yet. That was well written, Jelena!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you very much! My son inspired me, he loves letters and numbers a lot. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice one dear. We just had our nursery class. Next class teacher 😁

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Haha yes, today I am in the teacher style. πŸ˜€

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love this one Jelena. I need it seriously. Thank your this reminders. Thank you for this motivational words you have. I need this one. I need to give some fun to myself. I need some laughter to give me a happiness. I need some strength to face the daily living, daily life.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I'm glad I motivated you. We have to laugh, laughter is like medicine for our soul. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes Jelena that's true. Laughter is a medicine for everything especially when you are surrounded by loneliness.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very original post with all the letters!!!! Sundays are days that can be full of many things and feelings, and words too! and just we choose!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, that's right, we choose! I am glad you found it interesting. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great use of each letter. These meanings should be reflected in the life of every human being.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree. We need to let positive emotions overwhelm us and look forward to each new day. Thanks. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago