Magic flour

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Creativity

When I prepare food for my family I always keep in mind that meals should be halthy and nutritious. I know that dough shouldn't be eaten often because it could make us fat, but if you choose the ingridients carefully and if you don't eat it in large quantities, you would not have a problem. When I want to make something for my own pleasure, I am doing experiments with flour. My family also likes pastries and my little son has an idea to open a bakery, because he thinks I am good at preparing pastries. He is only 4 years old, but every day he comes up with a new business idea.

I like to combine different types of flour when I prepare pastries. When it comes to flour, my favourite cereals are wheat, corn and buckwheat.

Wheat flour

I usually use wheat flour when I prepare pastries. I like its taste and I like white color of dough. It contains gluten and if someone has a gluten allergy, needs to be careful. Gluten is wheats natural protein. I make many pastries with this flour: bread, pies, rolls...

Corn flour

Corn flour is a good choice for many pastries and it is very healthy. It has a great taste when it is combined with eggs. I put corn flour everywhere becuase it is good for digestive system. It can be used for bread, maffins, fried food etc.

Buckwheat flour

Buckwheat flour is one of the the halthiest types of flour. It is highly nutritious and it has many health benefits. It can be used for everything what you want: pie, bread, maffins.My kids like pancakes of buckwheat flour very much. Pancakes have a special taste.

I like to eat pastries when they are still warm. My favourite pastry is β€žSlanciβ€œ or salty breadsticks. They are tasty and very easy to make. I need just 10 minutes for preparation and 20 minutes for baking. There are not many ingredients which are needed for making this beautiful pastry, just flour, salt, sugar, oil, milk, yeast and yogurt.

I also like to make pie with eggs and cheese. For dough you just need flour, salt and water. I like very much easy recipes, which doesnt take too much time, cause I am very busy.

If you decide to make bread rolls, you will never make mistake. There are many recipes for making them and I always make them in a different way. I like to invent recipes at the moment and I always do some experiments.

Flour is a really magic ingredient because a lot of pastries can be made of it. You just need to use your imagination and you will have a great pastries on your table.

Food is not just a food. Love food means love life. Every moment that you spend with your family is special, especially when you are gathered around the table and when you are eating together and talk about everything that happened during the day. It is a great opportunity for exchanging impressions and sharing thoughts.

Article and photos are original. They belong to me.


Thank you very much for reading.

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Avatar for Jelena
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Creativity


Flour is awesome, and I am like you it is fun to experiment!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love bread and your article makes me hungry now πŸ˜…

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Everything is very easy to make, you can try. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh! this makes me hungry! Your bread looks really yummy, especially the breadsticks and the pie.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks, it's easy to make. I like bread very much. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes foo is love. I love your bread looking good. Your flour are great, we don't have that here I guess, uhmm i think we have but its expensive

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I am glad to hear that, thank you.😊 We have many types of flour and it's not expensive.

$ 0.00
2 years ago