Let's go random today

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Avatar for Jelena
Written by
2 years ago

There are days when inspiration does not come. You have no idea what to write about, and you want to write. But there is a friend that can help you. This friend is a "random questions generator". 😊


It’s fun because you can’t even guess what kind of questions you’re going to get. I decided to answer 7 questions today.

Let's go random! 😊

What is the easiest way to bring a smile to your face?

I am a smiling person. Making me laugh is a pretty easy task. The easiest way to bring a smile to my face is if I see other people laughing. Laugh and I will surely laugh with you! I will not miss any opportunity in which we can share smiles and spread positive vibes.

If you were required to have a job of some type but you didn't need the money from it to survive, what job would you choose?

This is my dream. To do what I love without having to think about whether the job will bring me enough money to live on. I would choose writing.

I would move to some seaside place and every day I would enjoy my inspiration by the sea and write. When you do something out of love, it is the best way to make your life beautiful. I know many artists who have dared to do what they love and accepted a modest way of life, without insurance and all the benefits that a stable job brings. But when you have children, the opportunities to take risks are limited. At least until they grow up. If you then have enough time to make your dreams come true. 😊 One thing is for sure, you should never give up on what you love to do. That is the only right way.

What's the most interesting thing you have in your pockets right now?

In my pockets, at the moment I have a ticket for public transport, candy, tissues, lip balm stick - labello, and vitamin C. I always carry my public transport ticket with me because I get on the bus several times during the day. If I don't sweeten my day, my life won't be sweet, so I always have something sweet to eat. I need tissues because I have allergic rhinitis. I don't like dry lips and that's why I often use lip balm stick. But I think the most interesting thing I have in my pocket is vitamin C because it's been there for months for no reason. After all, I don't use it. Maybe it is there to remind me to take care of my health. 😊

What do you know is bad for you but you continue to do it anyway?

I eat chocolate.

I know sweets aren’t good, but chocolate is more than just a sweet. Chocolate is a way of life. If chocolate will kill me, I accept to die, but during my life, I can't give it up because we have to have some pleasures. Life without pleasure makes no sense.

How would you spend $1,000 to give the most happiness to the most number of people possible?

I would do something for children who do not have a happy childhood and normal growing-up conditions. This amount is small and there are a lot of such children so I couldn’t do a big thing but I could bring a smile to their faces.

I would go to a home for homeless children and buy as many toys and sweets as possible. Maybe I would organize a children's show or some other kind of entertainment. Or maybe I should take them to an aqua park, amusement park, or playroom. Such places have become part of the routine for most children and some children dream about it. My goal would be as many children's smiles as possible.

If it's raining outside, what activity do you most want to do?

Walking in the rain. Is there anything more beautiful?

I like to walk in the rain, it inspires me. But only if it's summer rain. If it was too cold, I would sit by the window, drink hot chocolate and watch the raindrops fall on the window glass. This moment awakens beautiful emotions in me.

What are the top three qualities you admire in others?

I admire people who laugh easily, who are relaxed, and have no hidden intentions.

I admire people who do not brag and do not compare themselves with others and who are free from complexes. Talking to them is a real pleasure.

And finally, I admire people who are hardworking, who do not sit idly by but try to provide a beautiful life for themselves and their families.

These questions inspired me a lot. I think I will have to do this again! 😊

Thank you very much for reading.

The article and the lead image are original and mine and the other images are from unsplash.com.

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Avatar for Jelena
Written by
2 years ago


The similarity between us is great, I am also a smilinh person, so you can make me laugh while I'm crying lol. As for $1,000, thinking about making the kids happy is the best thing you can do with it ❀️❀️

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I know you are a smiling person too and that is why I love you! 😊❀️

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The most interesting thing in my pocket is the money,,, People who do not love money are rare in this world.....

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Of course, I agree. But I don't have money in my pocket hahaha. πŸ˜€

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am also a person who likes to smile. I think chocolate is a guilty pleasure that most people have hahaha. And as always I liked what you said about children, no doubt when you are a parent, you look at other children with a feeling of empathy. Cheers!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

We have a lot in common. 😊I saw in your photo that you have a beautiful smile and that you are a smiling and positive person. 😊 I agree, when we have children, we take care of other children.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You have a high social spirit my friend and I must give appreciation to you because when I read one goal when you have money is to help homeless children.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you. Such children really need help, we have to think of them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Some of these questions aren't so easy to answer! But it's a good and curious tool... eh chocolate is not bad!!! jajaja

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It is not bad at all!πŸ˜€ I don't know why I feel guilty when I eat it, I shouldn't.πŸ˜€

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I eat dark chocolate because it has a lot of benefits like magnesium, etc.... so I feel very happy, good and healthy πŸ˜€ jaja

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Definitely chocolate is love. At least for me. My anti depression medicine

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, chocolate is love and love must be shared so let’s eat chocolate and not worry too much. πŸ˜€

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Jelena we're the same if I have that amount also I will used it for helping the children and those homeless people because everytime I go outside I saw a lot of them at the street and it really breaks my heart.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I know that you are a good soul and that you would be happy if you could help homeless children and people. 😊 The greatest happiness is when we can make others happy.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes Jelena that's true. I hope someday Jelena. It's makes your heart full of happiness Jelena.

$ 0.01
2 years ago