I have cynophobia and my son wants to have a dog

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2 years ago

I am writing today's article to share with you how desperate I am and to ask for your opinions.

I have cynophobia. A fear of dogs. But that is not the usual fear. It is an overwhelming fear. When I see a dog near me, my heart starts beating fast and hard. In fact, I do not allow the dog to be close to me because when I see it in the distance, I change the direction of my movement. Sometimes I make whole circles around the neighborhood avoiding dogs until I reach the target points. My 100 meters is sometimes 1 kilometer when a dog is on my way. When I see a dog, I run away but I don't run. I walk fast because I know the dog will run after me if I run.

There is no explanation for this fear. The dog never bit me. I have never had a negative experience. But I'm just scared. I'm afraid of a possible touch. I don't like when they are playful because I don't want to play with them. I don't want that because I feel bad, my stomach hurts, I get chills, I'm sick and my heart will jump out of my chest.

There are a lot of dogs in my neighborhood. People often walk them without a leash. I understand that these are peaceful dogs that are not dangerous and just want to play. But their owners don't understand that I don't want to play and I feel like my walking space is limited. In today's time of great love for dogs, it is difficult to understand that someone can have cynophobia. I feel very strange because of this fear like I'm from another planet. But not to be confused, I have nothing against dogs, they are even beautiful to me but my fear is stronger than anything.

But is this phobia stronger even than doing something good for my son? Am I a bad mother because I can't fulfill my son's wish and buy him a dog? He desperately wants a dog. And I am desperate because of my phobia. We know how beneficial it is for children to have a pet. And of all the pets, dogs have the best effect on children.

My son is sad. All his friends have a dog. And I'm sad too because even though I know it would be good for my child, I can't go against myself. And maybe I should. Maybe in life sometimes we need to surprise ourselves and break the ice and make the impossible possible.

What do you think? What can I do to beat cynophobia?

Thank you very much for reading.

The article and the images are original and mine.

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Written by
2 years ago


I also afraid of dogs and when my son asking me to have a dog ,I did'nt agreed on him I am thankful thag he understand meπŸ˜„He loves cat also but I am not a pet lover.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Goodmorning! In my opinion, you must try to have dog for your son and for you as well, a try to overcome your phobia and makes your son happy also .

$ 0.01
2 years ago

My aunt had huge fear of dogs, she didn't go anywhere alone, not even to the store. She fixed it by getting a dog, a puppy. It took time of course, but best way to overcome fear is by facing it. If you are not sure about it I wouldn't recommend it. Specially because it's about another life, and having a dog is not like having a toy :) And as someone who wasn't allowed to have a dog as a kid, even though I am huge dog lover, I can say that now that I see how much work there is, I understand why my parents were against it, and it's complitly fine.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I actually think this is a good opportunity to break that phobia. Buy him a very young pup .. that way your anxiety and fear will be less and soon you'll be used to having it around

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I had a dog phobia in the past, too. I am no longer afraid. Like you, I would change my ways when I saw the dog. I don't know how this fear disappeared. I currently live in the village and there are a lot of dogs roaming free here. I can pass by them without paying any attention to them. The important thing is to keep walking with determined steps when you see the dog and if possible not to look into the dog's eyes for a long time. They may perceive this as a threat. If a dog is afraid of you, it may attack you. In fact, they are more afraid of us. As for getting your son a dog, I think you can do that. Raising a puppy will be good for your fear of dogs. It can help you get to know dogs better. You will see the love of a puppy. Believe me, it will do you good. If my mother had not objected, I was thinking of keeping a dog.

Come on Jeka, be brave :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

But why do you have such fear? if you have never had a bad experience. No, you are never a bad mother. because how can I say is this a disease? Did you go to the doctor

$ 0.01
2 years ago

No, I'm just scared. I have never had close contact with dogs and it may be the fear of the unknown. I hope to relax someday. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Try to overcome this fear. Confront your fear, it's good you've never had a bad experience. And I'm sure you'll overcome this fear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your feelings are valid, and there is no reason to blame yourself. A mother loves her child and is willing to sacrifice herself to fulfil his/her wishes but that would affect her wellbeing. Having personal issues is going to affect your everyday life, including how well you take care of your children. There is nothing selfish about explaining that to your son. This is an opportunity for him to learn to accept that other people sometimes have different opinions and feelings.

If you truly want to try addressing your phobia, then maybe a therapist can give some advice. I'm not a doctor but what comes to my mind is some form of getting accustomed to the animal. If you happen to have a friend with a dog, then maybe your friend could keep it on a leash several tens of meters away from you. Likely you will be scared but maybe some 15 minutes later, you might get calmer. Possibly if you distract yourself, e.g., with your phone while the dog is somewhere there, your mind wouldn't focus on the fear as much. Another option - a dog inside a car or maybe in a cage? You can see it but it can't reach you unless you get close to it yourself - you have control over the situation. Having said that, if you feel overwhelmed, then you should definitely stop and prevent a panic attack.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks for advices. I would like to get rid of fear and I will certainly try something but I will not be able to fulfill my son's wish. You are right, children need to be aware that we are all different.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh I didn't know what cynophobia is but I suppose that if there are people who have beaten the spider fear with some techniques there is supposed to be also a way for this other phobia. Take care dear!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I have a fear of dogs, although not to the extent you describe. The reason is being attacked by dogs a few times when he was little. Sounds like the sneaky and unpredictable kind to me. I also have an activity such as transporting food and water to designated spots for stray animals, and cats and dogs often benefit from this. I have cats, fish and various bird species that I keep at home. I love dogs too, but from afar! :))

$ 0.01
2 years ago

You can get rid of this phobia if you can set up your mind. It is totally a psychological matter. Just break the ice with strength for one time then it will be ok.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Dogs can be tamed. When you have them while they're still puppies, surely your fear of dogs will be gone. I am not an expert on how to get rid of phobias but puppies are the sweetest thing on earth :) Why don't you consider your son's wish :)

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I know this is easier said than done but fear or phobia is only a state of mind. I believe this is your chance to overcome that fear. Get a puppy, that way you won't be too overwhelmed by its presence. Puppies are naturally sweet and playful so interact with them slowly.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes, I believe that you can overcome your fear. Dogs are loyal and they feel the love inside human beings. I know you and I assure that puppies will always circulate around you. Because you have a soft heart.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I already have a trauma about dogs. Thats why I don't have any plan to have it as my pet but I never abandoned my feelings to appreciate dog. It is just a feelings of fear having it.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ahmm I never knew there is kind of phobia. Maybe try to convince your son to have another pet instead?

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh yes, I will have to convince him. 😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago