My personal thoughts on "A Star Is Born" movie

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Warning! May contain spoilers. If you haven't watched the movie yet, I discourage you to continue reading.

The story is very heartbreaking but I still loved it. I can't get over the movie. I am not fond of writing reviews or recommendations about any movie I watch. But this one. I think Ally and Jackson deserve it.

Jackson having problems with alcohol and depression, and Ally always supporting him is so overwhelming for me. In a good way though. I feel the pain Jackson was dealing with when he was crying while apologizing to Ally about the incident in the awards night. That's heavy. Like, you were your own demon and you regret it. And everyone thinks it's not your fault. It just makes Jackson's feeling even worse. Ally loved him so much. Ally never abandoned him. Even when he can't sing with her, she always acknowledge him. That's what I love about Ally.

The death of Jackson is the most heartbreaking along with Ally singing Jackson's song. The lyrics (i'll never love again) is so powerful that it makes you wanna love one, just one.

Lady Gaga's acting was superb. So innocent yet strong. Lovable. Bradley Cooper too. They made it so real. Like the audience wouldn't want it to end. Like making the audeince search the web for more videos or pictures of them together. Even just an interview as long as the character is alive and smiling at each other, laughing.

There are a lot of versions of this movie over the years now. I personally love Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper's version.

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Do you have a link of this movie ? Can I have so I can watch it on my own and enjoy the movie as well ? Thanks for your response.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have, yes but I don't know if it's okay to post it here.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Wow nice it seems that i need to watch that movie. Thank you for sharing and continue making your own article. God bless

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Oh thank you. Yes I would highly recommend watching this movie. Just be ready to fall in love haha

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4 years ago

Wow this story. I saw the movie. This movie is very interesting. I feel proud to see. Thanks a lot.

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4 years ago

I know, right? I love the movie! Lady Gaga earned my respect more.

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4 years ago

I wouldn't call this a review but for sure it's a thought and it was worth reading. I hope to read more from you in the future. πŸ‘πŸ’•

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4 years ago

thank you wakeupkitty. i'm thinking on changing my article's title to "thoughts about "a star is born" movie". haha. Thanks for reading my articles too..

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4 years ago

Yeah. This isn't a review but your perspective from the movie. I have watched it and won't totally agree with you if I have the chance. Everyone with their own view but I like your write up tho

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4 years ago

Thanks. Yeah It's only my own perspective. Maybe I should edit the title lol. Maybe i'm just awed to how they presented their characters

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4 years ago

Oh damn! I think you just spoiled it for me... I haven't seen the movie just buy I was so curious that I couldn't listen to your want to stop reading... πŸ˜†

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4 years ago

ahahhha. I recommend you watch the movie so you can enjoy it too. and be gorgeously heartbroken haha...

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4 years ago

There are movies though, but this one should be nice.

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4 years ago

yes it is :) i mean for me lol

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4 years ago

A star is born is too serious for my liking . Plus I dont like lady gaga πŸ˜‚. I couldn’t even finish the movie. Too much drama

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4 years ago

It's a drama movie. That's the point of it. LOL. Well we all have different taste in movies. Glad to hear your thoughts. Hehe.. What movie do you suggest then? maybe I could watch it too hehe

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4 years ago

Haha. I am a dan of mystery and thriller movies. They keep me on the edge of the seat πŸ˜€. Plus I am a big fan of Marvel πŸ˜ƒ

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4 years ago

yes i love marvel too. I also love thriller and mystery, I like mind twisting movies too, I am a fan of movies in general ahaha.. as long as the movie got my attention regardless the genre, i will watch it. i am also watching opera ahahahhaa..

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4 years ago

Hahah. I don’t get that much time. I mostly watch TV shows on Netflix and sometimes some good movies that the friends recommend

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4 years ago

I watch whenever I have time. especially now that we're on lockdown. i have lots of time hahaha

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4 years ago

Exactly the lockdown got us hooked to Netflix and other streaming application. I finished so many seasons of Netflix

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I finished so many series and movies already. now i'm hooked at readcash ahaha

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4 years ago

Lol me too. But every night before I sleep I watch something on Netflix and then I tend to sleep really late πŸ˜‚

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4 years ago

I tried to do that but I fell asleep next thing i know sun is shining already LOL

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4 years ago

Hahaha. Yeah and on a work day I am always late die to this. I always tell myself not to do it again but it has become a habit

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4 years ago

Bad habit to break

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This article is very unique. I am very happy reading this article. thank you very much for your article. all the best.

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4 years ago

Thank you! I appreciate your comment very much... Thanks for reading. Hope to see you on my other articles hehe

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4 years ago

This article is very heart breaking. I am very happy to see this movie. Thanks for sharing this information.

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4 years ago

it is gorgeously heartbreaking. you will love the movie if you love falling in love.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

The story is very heartbreaking but I still loved it. I can't get over the movie. I am not fond of writing reviews or recommendations about any movie I watch

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4 years ago