Featured community is now what writers intend to submit articles to have points. Let's not be hypocritical, a lot of users here want to earn points as much as they want to write articles to express their thoughts and feelings. And with that being said, the big chance to earn a point is when your article got approved in a featured community. of course there are other ways to earn but, yes the big chance is when you post it in a featured community. And that's fine. We understand how the team should be more careful about who deserves to get the points.
At first, I was sad that my community was not approved and some of my community even has no notification whether they're disapproved. But if you put your common sense, if they're not on the list, that means they're not approved. I was sad because I don't get the same points I was getting back then even on comments. I was sad because I failed my community. I felt responsible for it, even though there weren't many people there and some community I have has only me. I still felt sad because I think I failed that community. I was happy to gather people around and share the same thoughts and topics. Maybe I was just so overwhelmed and got the concept lost. I got the topics mixed up and thought that it was okay to have multiple languages or topics in a community about thoughts and stories. I was trying to moderate my community more effectively and I'm still doing my best up until now.
But after some time, I realized that what the team is doing is for all those deservings' sake. It's not easy writing an article. A quality one, I should say. And it's not easy to convince someone that you are good at what you're doing. What happened was a lesson for all moderators, writers and users of this website to make use of it effectively and more professionally. There is no payment that is useless now. There are fewer spammers and more worthy things to read. The new rules push us to strive harder and put more effort into writing good articles and having a good quality community that everyone-writers and the readcash team, gets what everyone deserves.
I guess the strategy has seggregated those who just post for money. I mean no offense but I have observed abusive users. Post nonsense and get higher points. This will give chance to those who really are expressive and those who really have the passion to write.