This is an animated movie by Pixar and Walt Disney Pictures which is inspired by the Day of the Dead (All Souls' Day), a Mexican holiday. It is about a family who bans music into the family because of their great grandmother's heartbreak and agony for their great-great-grandfather's abandonment. It revolves around a young boy named Miguel (great-grandson of Coco), and how he accidentally transported into the Land of the Dead because of his eagerness to play music in the festival despite his family's objection. He met his dead relatives and they were trying to get Miguel back to the land of the living by blessing him and asking him to swear he will never play music at all but realized he was cursed for stealing something from the dead. He runs away from her dead family rejecting the offer to swear and soon he unveils the truth about what happened to his great grandfather and why he didn't come back. They all reconcile and forgive one another just before Coco died.
So Coco is Miguel's great grandmother and Coco's father (great-great-grandfather of Miguel) is the reason why music was banned. Don't be confused. So it was the young Coco and her mother that was abandoned. Coco is a female (that's why she was a great-grandmother)
The storyline is very family-oriented, good for movie time with kids. It's very colorful and the music is so awesome. It shows how a family can be affected by one tragic and can be passed on to generations. It is very charming and the visual effect is incredible. No moment to be bored. You will also experience a tradition like no other and feel the love of a family. Overall, it's good and I recommend you to watch.
It really is a nice movie! <3 :D