10 Things Toddlers Wish They Could Tell You

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2 years ago
Topics: Article

December 30, 2021 [ Thursday ]

Good day everyone, My topic for the day is more related to parents, especially in their toddlers. I hope this will help you my post.

Many signs toddlers want to tell us and these are;

  1. Walk In My Small Shoes➡️ small children recognized thay babies and toddlers had to take many, many steps with their short legs to keep up with big people. If youre shopping with toddlers in tow, slow down. Youre not going to be able to get all your shopping and errands dine quickly. You should also take a stroller that will permit your toddler to ride when little legs tire.

  2. My attention span is limited➡️ a child who reaches for things on shelves is not necessarily destructive- just inquisitive. They rather wander, explore and touch. Instead of spending 15 minutes chatting next to the oreos and ding dongs, promise to call a friend when you get home.

  3. Im afraid of strangers➡️ few children appreciate being passed from lap to lap. Most prefer getting to know new people a little at a time- and on their terms. Be wary of forcing your toddler to accept strangers and new babysitters immediately.

  4. Im not a pet or a trained seal➡️ these and other performance-on-demand statements place your toddler in a tough spot. Some small children delight in showing ofd. Others shrink away, risking a reprimand. If your child falls in the latter group, dont push it.

  5. Dont be embarrassed if I dont respond the way you hope➡️ there is no need to apologize for your baby or small children if they;

  • Cry when someone new picks them up.

  • Hide behind you during introductions.

  • Refuse to sit on Grandpas lap when he has not visited in a long time.

They are not terrible kids. They are shy, frightened and unsure of themselves in new situations.

  1. Please dont compare me with others➡️ every baby and child is unique. Some learn to walk and say a few words before they are one year old. Others take longer. Toddler development is not a race, although to hear some parents talk, it appears to be.

  2. I cant like everything you think I should➡️ Children need a variety of food, toys etc. but to expect that they will like each equally is unrealistic. Forcing toddlers to eay foods they actively dislikes or to force their interests in a specific way, can develop into bigger problems later. If your toddler dies not care for a certain vegetable, choose another.

  3. Handle me with care➡️ toddlers may look sturdy, but they are still fragile. Overdone rough-bousing, tossing babies in the air and jerking little arms and legs can damage young, growing bodies. It needs also a careful emotional handling. They cant always tell you if they are sick, cold,. lonely or overly tired as easily as they can express hunger. Fussing is often a symptom of someone needing attention.

  4. Let me be my own age➡️ some toddlers behave so well on occasions that parents forget they are not little women and little men. Remember, toddlers are just past babyhood, and they must not be expected to respond like miniature adults. Lead- dont push- your toddlers into each new stage of childhood. Enjoy them fully at ages 2,3 and 4. Soon you will have your kindergarten off in the mornings, and only memories of their toddler days will remain.

  5. Be sure to tell me about Spiritually➡️ small children are wide open to learning about Spiritually in the preschool years. Create a godly home where you talk often about the Lord and all who dwell within will be blessed.

I hope this will help. Thank you for reading my post.

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2 years ago
Topics: Article
