Bonfire in Nutwood (Prt 2) - A Poem

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4 years ago

"I wouldn't steal," our hero pleads

The chief agrees and on he leads.

He takes Rabbid out through a door

"Come this way and I'll show you more."

In a room the elves are busy

He finds out why they are in a tizzy.

The sparklers are to light the trail,

To find their home, they must not fail.

The Chielf Elf believes Rabbid's tale but a sudden thought makes Rabbid wail.

Podgy was stealing from the wood

Surely he was up to no good.

About a chum you cannot tell

To the Chief Elf he shall not yell.

Instead he comes up with a plan: Return the sparklers by noon he can.

The angry elf makes plain his threat to take revenge and make them fret.

A heavy dew will soak each log,

No firework will be seen for fog.

Back to the common Rabbid is led

The elf's instructions in his head.

Bring the sparklers back here by noon then on this whistle blow a tune.

The sparklers were in Parley's sack, Rabbid thinks as he hurries back.

To Parley's house he makes his way wondering what his friend will say.

On the doorstep he asks outright if Parley will return the light.

"No," says Parley, full of bluster,

With all the cheek that he can muster.

"You don't understand," Rabbid says,

The elves will make sure someone pays.

But Parley's viewpoint will not budge

The elves, he thinks, could hold their grudge.

Rabbid looks so gloomy that night, Mrs. Rabbid knows something's not right.

He tries to sleep but feels such dread and worries as he lays in his bed.

Rabbid sets out early next day, there's one last chance to get his way.

When Parley's mother says he's not there Rabbid feels a growing despair.

On his way, in a long-faced hush finds a surprise behind a bush.

Parley jumps out, a bag is thrust,

Return the sparklers, that's a must.

The pair go boldly to the wood

One whistle signals, things look good.

Two elves appear, ask "Who is this?"

"It's me at fault," Parley insists.

In the office of the Chief Elf, the bag of sparklers on a shelf.

"What Parley did was very wrong to make them take so long."

One whistle signals, things look good.

Two elves appear, ask "Who is this?"

"It's me at fault," Parley insists.

In the office of the Chief Elf, the bag of sparklers on a shelf.

"What Parley did was very wrong to make them take so long."

"You brought them back right to our door, about it we shall say no more."

"But never do this again and to all your chums please tell the same."

Now Chief Elf's wrath Parley has braved, the village bonfire has been saved.

From Millie Mouse there is a shout!

"I've found a jewel," he does cry out.

The chums grab Millie and swing him round straight back to where the jewel was found.

Luckily he remembers where,

Rabbid explains about the scare.

PC Growler applies the light,

The bonfire crackles - what a sight.

Old Gafer Jarge is the true test

"The bonfire this year is the best!"

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4 years ago


Nice poem bro. Keep writing

$ 0.00
4 years ago


$ 0.00
4 years ago

You're welcome

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Great work

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4 years ago


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4 years ago