A Bizarre Future Dystopian Technocracy Emerges Part 1

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: POB, Cinetv, Hive, Leofinance, Creativity, ...

In a world gone mad with power we see a quickly changing technology fueled present, are we starting to see the emergence of what can only be described as a Bizarre Future Dystopian Technocracy, controlled by the worlds elite one percent and Artifically deficient of essential resources.

Is what we are seeing the possible and Bizarre evolution of humanity as man forges ever steadily closer to merge with machine and become a Robot Human Hybrid in a desparate attempt to evade our own mortality.

Half Man/ Half Machine

Immortality has been the dreams of many who would love to be able to live forever after watching movies like The Highlander, Who wants to live forever, you remember that song by Queen which was the soundtrack to the movie.

In the movies a historic bloodline of warriors cannot be killed in battle, usless beheaded with the sword of another highlander. Link provived at the end

However when the above technology is finally created who do you think would control it and be the first to benefit from it's use and who do you think wouldn't be given access.

If you ain't in the Club, you ain't in the Clud it's that simple

More importantly how far will man and machine have advanced and how many Artificial Intelligent tools will have been deployed by the worlds governments and technocratic corporations hell bent on power to control the mass populations in countries around the world, before it becomes too late.

We as a race are allowing ourselves to be walked towards our own enslavement by the very machines created, owned and controlled by the most powerful among us,

This is already starting to happen without an eyelid being raised because it has been incorporated into one of the most convienient devices mankind has ever had the luxury to owm.

A mobile telephone, which in it's modern state has become a mobile communications devive, personal digital bank, cryptocurrency wallet, entertainment system, camera, Identification and security solution and of course a means of observing your very essence, through your bio-metrics, photgraphic Identification and medical history since birth, memories, location history, voice recognition almost everything that makes you who you are. Don't you think that is Bizarre?or is that the plan?

We have already heard stories of humans beings being harvested for organs by the rich and powerful in communist countries, do you really believe it will end as technology advances

Everything that could be used to clone you for future organ harvesting or worse is in one convienient place.

Human Cloning

If you don't believe this is coming Watch this video from the CES 2018 Technology EXPO, A great eye opener, A company called Pyhscapyhsc is alreading cloning human sleeves to your specifications, you will see this at the 10 minute time mark, however there are some other interesting new technogies emerging including Artificial Intelligence which you can see at the EXPO


This is very much like what you will see in the Netflix series Altered Carbon

A link to an Altered Carbon Trailer can be found at the end.

The Island

In the the movie The Island clones of the wealthy are maintained in an underground facilities in the dessert, they are given memory imprints and told lies about a contamination that killed most of the worlds population and forced them underground until a place becomes available in the lottery to go to a mysterious Island with limited spaces, the only problem is there is no Island and no lottery they are choosen when the person that sponsored there clone is in need of an organ transplant.

You can start to picture together how this could bizarrely become a reality?

A link to the Island can be found at the end.

However with Human evolution this could also take that Robot Human Hybid route

After all what is to prevent this from happening once the transference of the Human conscience to machine is acheiveable, creating a strong more advance body void of the need for food, water, sex or medication.

We have seen this possibilty in multiple hollywood Sci-fi blockbusters, yet we fail to acknowledge the possilbe risks that are almost apon us.

There can only be one of four possible.outcomes, but one thing is certain, human evolution will take place at some stage in the near future,

  1. A Post Apocalypse.

  2. A Dystopian Technocracy which might also lead into 3

  3. A Space race of Individually Colonised Planets as people fight for freedom from a technology controlled society, Although this one might be a long way off.

  4. A Utopia where we all get along nicely, the only problem with this one is who would be in power, Ultimate power always corrupts and in the current climate we are being devided by sex, race and politics. I believe this is probably the least likely.

Stay turned Part 2 will be released in 30 minutes along with Associated links

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: POB, Cinetv, Hive, Leofinance, Creativity, ...
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