AI Techology The Do's and Don'ts A Comprehensive Experiment

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1 year ago

Have you ever wondered about the endless possibilities that AI technology will bring to the table for Web3 and Blockchain technology, it's use cases for best practice and how it can be abused on the blockchain, well you have come to the right place, in this article we will discuss the benefits and risks associated with AI, the Do's and Don't and proper usage for its application.

I recently stumbled apon some AI software that can be used in a number of ways to create different types of content for marketing purposes from image creation to ebooks, landing pages, Company bio's to authentic looking blog posts etc a complete list of what this AI technology is capable of can be found and used for free HERE

However my reason for this article is to inform readers of the right way to use this software and to discuss a recent experiment I have undertaken using it.

But first let me give you the back story.

As many of my readers know I curate on and cross post a lot of my content on a number of platforms as well as on the Hive blockchain, these include but are not limited too.




AI Generated Image

While recently curating on Floyx I noticed something strange with a number of articles linked What is a justin sun? and What is a jerome powell? as well as many other articles on Floyx written by @oyx3775 for reference.

As you can see from the heading, What is a jerome powell, instead of Who is Jerome Powell, I became curious and decided to do a deep dive into discovering if this content was AI generated as I had suspected.

On undertaking my deep dive I came across a rather useful AI content detector tool which I used numerous times on different types of content with varying results.

What were the results of the content I had researched

Search results

As you can see this content was only 16% Human generated, my guess is that also includes the imput prompts and some minor alterations

AI Experiment.
During My experiment I decided to create and post 6 AI generated Articles, made only with imputs and no alterations except formatting and for clarity, cross posted them on numerous platforms including on the Hive Blockchain,, PublishOX and Floyx over a three day period.

I also shared links to these articles to see if they would be detected or scrutinised by readers.

I strategically chose headlines and content information that I felt would be diverse, current and relevant to blockchain, AI, Cryptocurrency and recent news stories of interest.

These posts are linked here below for reference.

What is a decentralised autonomous organisation

Who was Satoshi Nakamoto

Earn a Sustainable income on the Blockchain: A Comprehensive Guide

Who are the Wealthiest Cryptocurrency Content Creators?

Harnessing AI to Support Cryptocurrency Expansion

What Does The Recent SVB Bank Situation Teach Us

AI Generated Image

AI Generated Images
In most cases I also used AI generated images with slight alterations as I felt a keen eye would easily detect such as the image text from AI is usually jumbbiled and jibberish, as you will see from the image below from one of the above linked articles.

AI Generated Image

Outcome of AI Experiment
While undertaking this experiment the content was detected on two separate occasions, the first being on PublishOX on posting the final article, which was removed and I received a polite Email stating such as Follows.

Email Notification

The second detection was made on Hive by @hivewatchers were three of the six articles were detected, this time with a more stern warning as follows.

Comment from @hivewatchers

Before I get into the Do's and Don't of using AI generated content on Web3 and blockchain technology, I will first give my conclusion on the experiment.

Experiment Conclusion
While I found undertaking the research and experiment a worthwhile and valuable endeavour for research purposes and although the referenced authors work on Floyx may not have been detected, it is worth noting that undertaking such research or incorrectly using AI generated content without notifying the platforms involved and your readers could put your account at risk, while some might give you a polite notification or email, attempting to pass AI content off as your own work is considered Fraud and could result in your account being blacklisted as @hivewatchers rightfully pointed out.

Further to this the work researched was all posted on one platform, Floyx and I have still not come to the conclusion on whether this may be a sanctioned bot, creating content to boost engagement or not, this is something I am still looking into and will write an update on that if I manage to find out.

The Do's and Don't of using AI on the Blockchain
Now that you have the specifics, lets break down the proper use of AI technology on the blockchain and other mediums.

AI technology provides many great features that can be used online for various reasons to help boost the look and feel of artwork for marketing material on social media, to creating captivating post captions, press releases, email and SMS marketing campaigns, including to generate idea's for a blog post.

AI can be used to generate artwork or avatars, create a brand name or to improve ad descriptions for a product.

If you have your own website, AI can be used for (SEO) Search Engine Optimisation, write a landing page, personal bio or even a press release.

AI can also be used to discover you tone of writing style, write video descriptions or write a whitepaper outline.

What you shouldn't use AI for, is to write complete articles for a Web3 or blockchain post, use it to deceive your audience or attempt to pass it off as your own original content, as previously stated this is considered fraud and could result in your account being blacklisted or in some occasions removed, If using any form of AI reference it's use so that readers are aware of it's intended use and purposes

AI Generated Image

Apologies to the Following readers
While undertaking this experiment many readers may have been deceived, while that was the intended purpose, my intension was purely to gather research for this article and not profit from the AI generated articles from the experiment, with that being said I apologise to the following people that upvoted those listed articles and would ask that you nullify those upvotes.

If the votes are not nullified I ask that you choose a worthy cause for any unintended token rewards to be donated too.

Any proceeds from this post will also be added to that donation.

A community curation project or a charity that is on the blockchain, I would love to hear your idea's

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Written by
1 year ago
