Interesting facts about dogs that you may not have known

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Avatar for Jasmin47
3 years ago

There are several hundred species of dogs in the world. Dogs are cute, beautiful creatures. Dogs are truly special animals, in many ways similar to humans, and at the same time very different. I bring you some interesting facts about dogs that you may not have known:

In large species of dogs, the heart beats between 60 and 100 beats per minute, and in small species between 100 and 140. Normal dog temperature is between 38 and 39 degrees Celsius.

Dogs have three eyelids, the upper, a lower, and third eyelid that maintains eye moisture. The dog's nose secretes a thin layer of mucus that helps them absorb odors. When they lick their noses, they smell over their mouths. Dogs have about 1,700 taste receptors, humans 9,000, and cats 473.

The sense of smell in dogs is 10,000 to as much as 100,000 times more pronounced than in humans. Dogs hear sound best at 8000 Hz, and humans around 2000 Hz. The myth is that dogs only see black and white. In fact, dogs see blue, greenish-yellow and various shades of gray. The Chow Chow species is known for its blue tongues, but they are actually born with a pink tongue. After 8 to 10 weeks, their tongue turns blue.

When dogs bury the ground after they have defecated, they do so to further mark the territory with the olfactory glands found on the paws.

The dogs gasp to cool off. A panting drop can make 300 to 400 breaths with very little effort. Normally a dog has between 30 and 40 breaths. Some scientific studies have proven that dogs can be jealous if you show love to another being. The United States has the largest population of domestic dogs in the world. Approximately 75.8 million of them.

Petting a dog releases oxytocin, the love hormone. And not just for them but for you. The Saluki is the oldest dog breed in the world. They appear in ancient Egyptian tombs until 2100 BC. There are about 600 million dogs in the world. It is estimated that nearly 400 million of these dogs are stray. Scientists believe that the world's first known dog lived 31,700 years ago. This prehistoric dog resembled a great Siberian Husky.

Dogs are as smart as a two or three year old child. This means they can understand 250 words, including signals, and move a hand with the same meaning as the words. Most, however, have a capacity of about 160 words (although they will require fairly rigorous training).

Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not sweat through the tongue but through the pads on the paws. They regulate heat by evaporation through the respiratory system, ie by panting.Dogs and wolves are the only animals that yawn as a sign of pleasure.

the room that had the most dogs in history was Kublai Khan, he owned as many as 5,000 mastiffs.

No dog has the same muzzle. The tip of their snout is the equivalent of a human fingerprint - each is unique, with unique “folds”. Dogs have a sixth sense of trouble. In one large survey, as many as 76 percent of dog owners confirmed that their pets behave strangely before a major storm, and 50 percent said they anticipate trouble, a bad situation, and even illness.

A frightened dog will put its tail between its legs, as this way it covers the glands in the anal region. Because the anal glands secrete personal odors that identify dogs, the tail between the legs is the equivalent of insecure people covering their face with their hands. Greyhounds are the fastest dogs in the world, at speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour. A dog's fingerprint is the same as a human's fingerprint - and can be used to easily identify dogs.

Dogs have twice as many muscles as humans to move their ears. Dogs use these muscles to display over 100 different facial expressions! They also help them hear sounds at four times the distance from people. All domestic dogs have a common ancestor - the gray wolf. Dogs can be taught to detect cancer, in some cases even on the basis of human breath.

If your dog is sad when you are not with him, leave him the clothes you wore because your smell will alleviate his feeling of anxiety. When urinating, dogs look for a place that is aligned with the Earth's magnetic field.

The prickly collars originated in ancient Greece and served to protect the dog's neck in case wolves attacked them.

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Avatar for Jasmin47
3 years ago


As I read this article, I observe my dog. Thanks for this. Some facts I really didn’t know, like this to break down over the pads on my paws. jealous as a pasha is a true saying.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As I read this article, I observe my dog. Thanks for this. Some facts I really didn’t know, like this to break down over the pads on my paws. jealous as a pasha is a true saying.

Thank you so much for supporting!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I ain't a dog lover but all those things you have written are true about dogs

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much!

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3 years ago