My Merry Christmas
M - Merry Christmas it should be. For better or for worse, your life and loved ones is what matters most.
E - Everyone is always excited about this most awaited season of the year, even
R - Rudolph the reindeer is preparing to go, ready to unload the gifts on the sleigh.
R - wRapping presents is what I missed a lot while
Y - Yelling to my little siblings not to mess it up. How I wish I could be at home tonight, but I'll just wait to have Facetime with them tomorrow.
Since my friends will be working tomorrow, I will be alone on
C - Christmas day 😢. But still, I am
H - Hoping to have a merry day.
R - Remembering the past makes me sadder at this moment. Alone on Christmas day? Isn't it sad?
I - Initiating this feeling is what I have regretted. I should be Merry because I am blessed. So before thi night ends, I want to
S - Send away this negative emotion and fill it up with positive vibes, so tomorrow when I wake up, I will be surrounded with joy and happiness.
T - Time is almost approaching. 5 minutes more to go at the time of writing.
I will take this opportunity to give you my warmest greetings.
M - Merry Christmas to everyone!!
A - Above all, thank you for being a part of my life, and thank you for all the blessings I have received from readcash.
S - Set the time. 2 minutes more to go. By the time I posted this on readcash, it's already Christmas 😁😁
Goonight and once again, Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas Jane! Stay healthy and happy. More blessings to come! 🥰