The aftermath of my covid vaccine

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Avatar for James2k21
2 years ago

Good afternoon readers once again, it's a privilege being back here after a very long day, I wrote about how I finished my exams yesterday and how I'll be back on this platform with full force but something really bad happened this morning and even made me doubt my ability to write today's article but I guess I'm back here, and I'm here to write and even share my experience with the cool readers here on my vaccination experience. Before I continue, let's take a look at my sponsors...

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This all began last week when I followed one of my friends to get her vaccine, I was there with her when she was asked to fill an online form which she did to generate a code, this code was the one she submitted to the doctors to make her eligible to take the vaccine. After she took the vaccine, she didn't even give herself rest immediately because we were still writing exams then, but she told me that as soon as she got home, she took paracetamol and went to sleep, I called her after and she said she was feeling perfect and that dared my immunity. I told her that since she didn't feel anything and I'm a guy, I'd definitely not feel anything either, little did I know that the vaccine must have been saying "e file o", meaning leave him alone in English.

I got up from my bed lazily yesterday because I really didn't have too much work to do, so I woke up around 9am and went to dress up and get prepared to take the vaccine, I was even planning to cook before I was told that it wasn't necessary I ate before taking it but who cares? I still made sure I ate my food and that paid off for me as I was number 134 on the vaccination list because I got there late, the vaccination started and it was quite quick as I was seeing my number approaching, I became more scared that I would react to the vaccine but I also needed to take it because it's a requirement to enroll for the hostel accommodation next semester, it was finally my turn to get the vaccine and she called me out, right in front of everyone, I was injected and given the first dose of the vaccine. I didn't even have a feeling as the injection went in and came out until she told me that I could take my leave and I was like " why the hype" because I could really not feel anything.

I headed towards my hostel shouting "guess who just got vaccinated"😅. People started looking at me so I had to keep my calm but I noticed that before I got to the hostel, my hand was getting a little bit heavier. I got back to the hostel and used paracetamol but instead of me sleeping, I played games for hours, I also went to watch football, in the long run, I couldn't get any rest until night, it was getting dark already when I started feeling indisposed. I couldn't walk properly anymore as I was stuck in bed. I thought it was because I didn't rest after the vaccine so I decided to sleep and I don't know if I'm to say that made things worse as I couldn't sleep through out the night, I kept rolling from edge to edge on my bed as I felt my head banging and my back aching. I was hoping it'd get better in the morning but as early as 6am, I came out of my room to check the mirror and I was looking stressed up already, I immediately took my hospital card and headed to the school clinic. I was asked for my nose mask which I didn't take along, so I had to go back to the hostel to get it, I was delayed outside for hours with my back aching me badly. I called my closest friend and told her, she just made it relieve me a little while she was on phone but as soon as I dropped the call, the pain resumed. I was attended to by the doctor and he prescribed an injection for me, I don't know what the injection was for but I guess it's for pain relief. I went to get food to eat even though I couldn't finish the food, I ate just a little and bought a drink as I headed back to the clinic, I was injected and also my blood was taken for test and I am to go back to get the test result by 2pm. I just hope that my reaction to this vaccine doesn't go haywire....

This article isn't to scare you away from getting the covid 19 vaccine but just to prepare your mind on what to expect when you take it and you might be lucky not to feel anything, prolly your immune system is .stronger than mine. Just make sure you take it when you know that you're less busy and losing two days to sleep would not cause and harm...

Thanks for reading ❤️

I look forward to your massive engagements....

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Avatar for James2k21
2 years ago


When I took mine, it didn't affect me at all. I have heard many complain but I didn't, the only pain I felt was that my hand was a bit heavy and slight headache. Maybe there is a sickness that is about to happen to you, the vaccine chased it out, sorry friend, you will be fine

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you very much, malaria was also diagnosed. I guess it was not just the vaccine

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you get over this reaction soon. I'm probably never going to take the vaccine

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's not advisable not to get the vaccine, you need to get it too

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.01
2 years ago

You're welcome

$ 0.00
2 years ago

"I kept rolling from edge to edge on my bed as I felt my head banging and my back aching" Those words in quote made me really laughed 😂

Yet to get mine, but will do so probably next week Congratulations on getting vaccinated!!!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

😅I'd be here to see your article on your experience too

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel your pain bro. I experienced it too and it wasn't a pleasant experience but don't worry it will be over soon

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Luckily I didn't feel any bad side effects both on my firat and second dose of vaccine..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I guess that's why you're a king

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ahahaha... a King Mom?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Everyone should rest after taking the Covid 19 vaccine.Because not everyone has the same immune system.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Probably because I didn't have adequate rest, I'd try to do so Thanks

$ 0.00
2 years ago