How To Prevent the Spread of Identity Theft and Fake News?

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4 years ago
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The advancements that we are currently enjoying brought about by modern technology unfortunately gave rise to novel crimes. Through the various social networking sites, crimes still find the way to put their victims in danger.

Identity Theft, False Information, and Fake News are the most rampant crimes committed online. This is alarming considering the vast majority of people that access Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, to name a few. We have to take a stand against these.

First, we have to be vigilant. We have to learn how to spot these crimes. It may sound a little complicated but we just have to use our critical thinking skills in every profile and information that we see online. Is this real or not? This has been the question that I always ask whenever I see something especially if it is suspicious. Eventually, I check further if it's a real account or a dummy one. I also don't trust theses dummy accounts. I never entertain accounts with sufficient information in their profile. I have trust issues and I think it helps to save me from being a victim.

Second, report suspicious accounts. After evaluating accounts and if they turned out to be fake, I always report them. This is one way to stop them from victimizing other people. They have to be stopped.

And third, don't be one of them. Of course, the fight against Identity Theft, False Information, and Fake News should be fought with utmost commitment and integrity. Thus, I make it sure that I don't create fake account, I don't create false information, and I don't proliferate fake news.

Having these said, I think that I am forewarned in the online war against such crimes. I am forewarned and I am forearmed.

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Written by
4 years ago


what a wonderful articles indeed. Thanks for share a wonderful articles with us. just carry on

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you my dear friend. I will definitely keep on writing.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's good my dear friend

$ 0.00
4 years ago

As long as I know that you're there to support me.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yeah always with you my dear friend

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Your article is very unique and informative. We can know many things from your article. And i also agree with you.... Identity Theft, false Information, and fake News are the most rampant crimes committed online. This is alarming considering the vast majority of people that access Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, to name a few. Thanks for sharing a awesome article.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you for appreciating my atrticle, dear. We are already in an era where crimes have penetrated all platforms. Social media is no exception. That is indeed alarming. I hope my article was helpful.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Such a wonderful article. Because it's something that affects everyone that is exposed to the media. As in not only can people be lured or deceived to believe in lies/false information, it can be detrimental to the society as a whole destroying individual identities, factual knowledge and realistic outcomes. And if not put in check can be disastrous to relationships and networks

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4 years ago

Thank you do much for appreciating my article. Really, we are one click away from being victimized. That's why we have to be vigilant. Please support me by subscribing. Thanks!

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4 years ago