I want to make my own logo (part II)

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2 years ago

Previously, we saw how logos were created based on types. If you missed this read, I highly recommend it. But, one question remained unanswered:

Why have I heard that a logo is called: logotype, isologo, isotype, imagotype?

It would be necessary to go directly to the etymology (the origins) of the words that form those words.

Let's start with the one that matters most to us: Logos.

Logos comes from the Greek. Some translate it as "word." To me, I like to see it as an expression of an “idea”. In any case, it will be something that represents your product or service.

Isos means “same”. That is, an exact copy made in the image and likeness of the original. However, in the realm of images, it is the pictorial way of representing a connection. In other words, we would use “Iso-” to name the drawing or icon that represents our brand.

Imago, also means "image". Therefore, "imago-" and "iso-" would be synonyms. Being words that come to mean the same thing, they could be used interchangeably. That is, whatever you use will be well used. Both refer to the graphic element within or near the logo.

Type, you already know that from the previous reading. It refers to those lead boxes with raised letters that occupied a character within the paragraph. If I had to define it in simple words, I would call it "character". Meaning, a space to substitute for a letter, a number, a special character, even a blank space.

In this way, we can reach the conclusion that there are identifiers (logos) that are made only with letters, others with a drawing; even, many have both (letters and drawing).

Now, you know that you should not be ashamed when someone corrects you because you are misusing the definition. For this reason, I prefer to call them just “logos”.

But, when should you make a logo with only letters, only drawing or using both options?

We will see this in the third part of the series: “I want to make my own logo”.

Thank you for taking these minutes to learn something new.

Take care, please! See you soon.

(continue to part III)

►Part IIIIIIIV, V, VI...

PS: Logos are properties of their respective brands/owners. They are used under fair use doctrine.

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Avatar for JOHNNYinside
2 years ago
