Can We Slow Down Time Even Just For a Minute?

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2 years ago

6th of January

Time flies so fast! Especially when you are preoccupied! Can We Slow Down Time Even Just For a Minute? I wish I have Doctor Strange's Time Stone so I can manipulate time.

Hello there, dear readers! Yeah, don't you wish sometimes that you have Doctor Strange's Time stone so you can at least slow time down? Well, not to create chaos like what we are about to Witness in Spiderman: No Way Home (which will be shown two days from now!).

Anyway, I had a very hectic day, and it's not even done yet. Its already 9:47 PM. I wanted to do some research about passive income through sBCH and NFT at this time, but I have to make my presentation for tomorrow's class.

 So I'm just going to do some speed writing once again.

17 Minutes

Money Management

I love the topic for my tomorrow's class. It's about Money Management. Not that I am an expert in this field. But I have been learning this topic for quite a while. I admit I am not good at application though. I really need to change the way I think about money from the very core.

I Need to Reprogram My Mind

Yes, that's what I need to do. My inner software is stuck to the old system when it comes to handling my money. Not that I waste my money every time. I can save money. But I can't seem to make it grow on its own.

It seems my inner programming is stuck with the "poor mentality".


I think this started when I learned to detach myself from material desires when I was younger. I always wanted a simple life, that I never desired to accumulate so much money. It seems nothing wrong with this kind of mentality... if you are single and living alone. However, I have a family to take care of. 

9 Minutes

I wish I had more time today...

I think wishing to have more time in a day is the wrong mentality. What I really wish is, I wish I have used my time more productively in the past two days. Especially today. As think of how I did things today, there is too much "little time" wasted in between. 

In other words, I was not doing things efficiently. It's not about how quick you do things. (Well, maybe it matters a bit), it is more on how efficient you do things.

I think that's where I need to improve.

[5 Minutes]

Stop Wasting Time

Yeah, the little time I waste is the killer, let's do the math. If I waste 5 minutes every hour for ten hours in a day, that is already 50 minutes! If I am awake for fourteen hours, I would be wasting 70 minutes in a day! But I am awake for sixteen hours a day! So I am wasting eighty minutes a day!

Wow, I really need to think of that when I say, I'm going to play just for 5 minutes. But oftentimes, the 5 minutes becomes 10... then fifteen!

I think I will a wallpaper with those words... 


And my twenty-five minutes is up! Time to go back to my preparations.

 Final Thoughts

We can't stop time. We can't slow time down. We can't go back in time. What we can do is use time as efficiently as we could.

Thanks for reading!

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Lead Image- Mine

Second image: From Unsplash

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2 years ago


Sad thoughts, I pray for you 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah,when you have a hectic schedule the time is just so fast that you can even think that its time again for another meetings or any matters... But when you dont have any schedule on that day the time is so slow and you felt so bored.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hate my mind🙃

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I can relate to your thoughts. If only I can manipulate time, I would surely do it. But I can't and that's a sad thought.

$ 0.00
2 years ago