9 Tips for Better Sleep

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2 years ago

Have you been having trouble falling asleep lately? You’re not alone! More than 1 in 3 adults have trouble sleeping on a regular basis, and 1 in 10 have chronic insomnia, according to the CDC. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to help improve your sleep habits. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 10 foods that help you sleep well. These nutritious foods can help put you to sleep faster and make sure you stay asleep all night long so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day ahead!

1- A Comfortable, Dark Sleeping Space

Dark, comfortable sleeping spaces are key to great sleep. If you find yourself still awake after lying down, put on some relaxing music or try reading a book before turning out your lights. Do what it takes to get relaxed and ready for bed – whether that means lighting a candle or practicing some yoga poses. And keep that room cool! Have trouble getting comfy? Try putting ice packs in your socks, between layers of your sheets, or even around your neck! How does that work? When blood vessels constrict in response to cold temperatures, blood flow is directed away from extremities (i.e., fingers and toes) and toward areas of your body that need it most: heart, brain, and vital organs (source).

2- Cool temperatures are best

Let's face it, most of us have trouble sleeping when it's too hot in our bedrooms. If you live in a hot climate, use fans and keep your bedroom at a cool temperature of 60 degrees or less. Open up your windows before bed to get some fresh air and make sure that your AC is set to sleep mode. Also, white noise can be very soothing; you can easily make your own with an app like White Noise Lite for Android or White Noise: sound machine & sleep aid for iPhone.

3- A Bedtime Routine

A lot of adults forget that sleep is just as important to our daily function as food and water. By creating a bedtime routine, you can help your body unwind and release endorphins so that it’s easier to fall asleep at night. Every day, take at least thirty minutes to read, listen to music, meditate or do anything else you enjoy that lets your mind wander while decompressing from a long day. This will make it easier for you to have great dreams and feel more energetic throughout your waking hours.

4- Try a Sleep Aid

There are a number of herbal and over-the-counter sleep aids that can help make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Valerian root, in particular, is well known for its ability to promote restful sleep. When looking for natural sleep aid, make sure you speak with your doctor to ensure it’s right for you. One study found that valerian helped older adults fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer than those who took placebos—though many users reported experiencing headaches or morning grogginess. Just be careful with these supplements; even if they’re all-natural, that doesn’t mean they won’t have side effects.

5- Drink Some Chamomile Tea

You can optimize your sleep in other ways too. Try to go to bed and wake up at roughly consistent times, even on weekends (your body likes routine). As you’re getting ready for bed, also try dimming lights and turning off devices as much as possible—it’s easier on your body and mind if you start winding down well before you hit the sheets. Finally, avoid caffeine after lunchtime; it can interfere with restful sleep. And though alcohol can help take your mind off of things that stress you out, drinking too much could disrupt sleep patterns in a bad way. Alcohol-induced snoring or interrupted breathing can actually stop you from sleeping well. It’s better to have one drink with dinner than to have five drinks at happy hour.

6- Choose A Good Mattress

A study published in Cell Metabolism showed that exercising in a fast state improves memory and reaction time. So if you’re looking to improve your brain function, try some morning cardio. For best results, it should be done in a fasted state (greater than 12 hours since eating) when your insulin sensitivity is at its highest. For example, go for a run first thing in the morning before breakfast or hit up an empty stomach yoga class; either way, it’s sure to fire up some new cell growth in your brain—and reduce hunger throughout the day.

7- Exercise In The Morning

Staying active in the morning has a ton of benefits, including more restful sleep at night. Once you’re awake and alert, there’s a simple way to know when it’s time to call it quits for bedtime: if you find yourself counting sheep or can’t stop thinking about what could have been, it might be time to turn off your brain and go to sleep. In order to get quality sleep on a consistent basis, it is best that you practice good sleep hygiene. A few steps include cutting out caffeine afternoon, setting strict hours for electronics usage (or just taking them out of your bedroom), keeping a dark room, staying active during the day, and exercising regularly.

8- Change Your Habits

If you’re anything like me, you toss and turn for a few hours every night before finally falling asleep (an hour or two before your alarm goes off). It doesn’t matter how much sleep I get during the day, it feels like my body knows it's time to rest, even if it has to fight through an hour of racing thoughts to do so. In order to get my body in a resting mode before I fall asleep, I take part in some pre-bed rituals: taking a bath (I relax in Epsom salt with eucalyptus oil), having hot tea (with magnesium and lemon), and writing down my reflections from that day. These three little activities put me into relaxation mode.

9- Pre-bed Rituals

Going to bed at a decent hour—that is, before midnight—is essential for quality sleep. In order to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, you’ll want to create a pre-bed ritual. Try taking a hot shower or bath, reading a book (without an electronic device), listening to soft music, or soaking in Epsom salts before bed. If you aren’t sure what pre-bed ritual works best for you, experiment with different activities until you find one that relaxes your mind and body enough so that you can quickly fall asleep once it’s time for bed. With practice, your pre-bed rituals will become less of a hassle and more of an enjoyable part of your day!

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2 years ago
