7 Benefits of Drinking Pickle Juice

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2 years ago

With so many health and beauty trends out there, it can be hard to tell which are worth trying and which are complete and utter nonsense. If you’ve ever felt this way about the pickle juice craze that’s been circulating on social media, don’t worry—you’re not alone! But what you may not realize is that drinking pickle juice has real health benefits beyond just being a quirky way to get in your daily dose of veggies. From nausea relief to an energy boost to weight loss, here are seven ways drinking pickle juice can positively impact your health.

1- Save time

A full glass of pickle juice takes less than 60 seconds to consume, but it provides a jolt that lasts much longer. Many athletes swear by drinking pickle juice before workouts, claiming it can save time in situations where seconds count. In 2014, for example, two NFL players were given suspensions after testing positive for banned substances; both claimed they accidentally drank too much pickle juice. A shock to your system is definitely a great way to wake up! It doesn’t take long—just drink one glass 30 minutes before you train and see if it helps you improve your performance.

2- Boost the immune system

Sure, it may not look like much but pickle juice is really good for you. The high acidity helps ward off colds and flu when you’re feeling rundown. Drink a glass of pickle juice before you hit play on your favorite workout DVD—it can kick-start your immune system (and sweat sessions) like nothing else. It’s also a great way to relieve sore muscles after a hard workout or game. In fact, lots of professional athletes swear by it! Even though there haven’t been any human trials yet, early studies have shown that brine may act as an anti-inflammatory and increase blood flow in people who exercise regularly.

3- Improve digestion

The high sodium content in pickle juice helps stimulate your digestive system. Some believe that drinking a glass or two of pickle juice can alleviate symptoms associated with indigestion, such as bloating and heartburn. It is also believed to help relieve constipation and prevent dehydration. Drink a few ounces before meals to get your digestion back on track!

4- Reduce inflammation

After an intense workout, your muscles can swell and ache. Research shows that drinking pickle juice can help alleviate muscle soreness. One study published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism found that consuming a few tablespoons of pickle juice for several days reduced post-exercise muscle pain and swelling in athletes. Researchers credit these results to vinegar’s anti-inflammatory properties. This effect was further backed up by a study from Japan which showed that drinking vinegar reduced joint pain by over 40%. A similar double-blind placebo-controlled trial on rats also revealed impressive reductions in inflammation when compared to controls.

5- Loose weight

The University of Tennessee conducted a study that proved participants who drank pickle juice after eating fried foods weighed less than those who did not. The researchers concluded that both vinegar and lemon juice, found in most brands of pickles, have a positive effect on blood glucose levels, thus helping dieters avoid extra weight gain. For maximum effect, drink 4 to 8 ounces immediately following your meal. It’s also good to eat fresh vegetables before drinking pickle juice as it helps your body absorb nutrients better.

6- Strengthen bones

Although most common in countries like Japan, Germany, and Austria, pickling is becoming more popular around the world. If you aren’t a fan of traditional foods like sauerkraut or kimchi, pickle juice might be more to your liking. For example, pickles are rich in calcium and magnesium—minerals that contribute to healthy bones. And contrary to other food sources, pickle juice is easy on your stomach—so it doesn’t cause bloating or indigestion. You can take it straight or mix it with tea for a refreshing beverage! 

7- Promote heart health

Research conducted at John Hopkins Medical Center discovered that drinking pickle juice helped to prevent cardiac arrhythmias in rats. When human subjects were given intravenous injections of a substance similar to glutamate, they experienced abnormal heartbeats. However, researchers found that when those same subjects were given small amounts of acetic acid (the active ingredient in vinegar) their blood pressure decreased and it prevented their hearts from developing arrhythmias. You can boost your heart health by drinking pickle juice whenever you need to reduce your blood pressure naturally.

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2 years ago
