6 Surprising Benefits of Yellow Squash

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2 years ago

Yellow squash has plenty of health benefits, but you might not know about them all. With its high levels of vitamin C and potassium, yellow squash can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, protect against heart disease, and improve your immune system. Yellow squash also contains plenty of fiber to help keep your digestive system regular and your cholesterol levels low. This guide to yellow squash nutrition facts will help you learn more about the health benefits of this delicious summer vegetable.

1- Heart Health

Yellow squash is rich in beta-carotene, vitamin, and antioxidant that may help reduce your risk for heart disease. Beta-carotene can be converted into vitamin A (another nutrient you need for heart health) in your body. Vitamin A may protect your arteries from plaque buildup. It also helps strengthen them by widening blood vessels, which improves blood flow and reduces high blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular problems like stroke or coronary artery disease. Additionally, carotene's presence in yellow squash makes it a great addition to any diet hoping to protect against cancer—it boosts immunity as well as fights free radicals that damage cells and increase inflammation, both risks associated with tumor growth.

2- Blood Sugar

While everyone knows about squash’s ability to cut down on blood sugar spikes, people are often surprised to learn just how much it can help. The key is in its complex carbohydrate content. This type of carbohydrate gets broken down more slowly than simple carbohydrates and helps stabilize blood sugar levels longer than many other foods. All but one variety have less than 15 grams of carbohydrate per serving, which makes yellow squash a great addition to any meal that might otherwise spike your blood sugar. If you’re looking for a new way to boost your weight loss efforts, adding yellow squash could be just what you need.

3- Eyesight

Squash is a rich source of vitamin K, which helps to maintain bone health. One cup contains 478 micrograms (mcg) or 70 percent of your daily needs. If you suffer from osteoporosis or a condition that predisposes you to bone fracture, adding squash to your diet could help slow down further degradation. But don’t expect a miracle: Although studies have shown that low intakes of vitamin K have been associated with low bone mineral density and increased fracture risk, it’s unclear whether higher intakes can help prevent fractures or osteoporosis. Luckily, there are plenty of other good reasons to include squash in your diet!

4- Bone Density

Along with other high-magnesium foods, yellow squash can help boost bone density, which is critical for preventing osteoporosis. Magnesium helps with cell metabolism and calcium absorption in bones. Sulfur: This mineral is known to promote healthy hair, skin, and nails. It also aids digestion by breaking down protein in food and may reduce inflammation. Vitamin A: This vitamin keeps eyesight sharp and promotes a healthy immune system. B Vitamins: Yellow squash contains high levels of vitamins B1, B3, and folate (B9). These vitamins are essential for energy production in cells throughout your body.

5- Brain Health

Yellow squash is a good source of vitamin A and other nutrients that can help protect your brain from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Vitamin A can prevent oxidative stress, which is associated with neurological decline. Plus, vitamin A acts as an antioxidant to help prevent age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and other eye diseases that threaten vision. For example, one study found a link between low levels of vitamin A in older women and an increased risk for macular degeneration.

6- Digestive System

First and foremost, yellow squash is a good source of fiber. If you’re like most people, you don’t get enough fiber in your diet. You need at least 25 grams every day to stay healthy. But many people eat less than half that amount. A lack of fiber can lead to constipation, heart disease, diabetes as well as other gastrointestinal problems. Fiber cleanses toxins from your digestive tract and lowers blood cholesterol levels. It can even help prevent certain cancers by removing carcinogens from your system before they have a chance to enter your bloodstream. For all these reasons, adding more fiber-rich foods such as yellow squash to your diet can significantly improve both digestion and overall health.

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