Five Reasons why most Business fails and how to make them come up again

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Having to maintain a Business has been the top priority of every Business owner. But despite this urge for excellence and production, a lot of Business still decrease in production, some even collapse totally without coming up again. Well with the help of surveys and study, I came up with five reasons why upcoming Businesses fails. Well you should note that they are a lot of reasons as to why Businesses fails. So I'm just going to be telling you the most important ones.
- Relationship with customers: Relationship with customers has been so underrated in today's world. Most persons believe that if the service they render is professional and quality, people would want to patronize them no matter the attitude giving them. Well truth be told according to psychology customers like to get services from places they would be appreciated and respected. That's why there's a saying that says; "the customers are always right". It's not just the service they want, most customers are also interested in the attitude behind the service. So as a Business owner work on building a good relationship with your customer.
- Quality and Professionalism: Yeah, relationship is not just enough to sustain a good customer. The 21st century market is very competitive and you will find a lot of Business owners with good attitudes and professional service. As a Business owner, you must be up to date with works in your endeavour of Business. Make sure you offer services that are professional and quality. Imagine you have a good relationship with them and you offer them quality service, you will just be swimming in money, lol.
-Neatness in your Place of work: This is another underrated cause of Business failure. The place you work should always be kept clean. You can attract a clean customer to a place that is dirty. It doesn't work that way. Even if you offer the best service, dirtiness gives an aroma of low quality. Make sure your work place is very clean.
-Promos and Discounts offer: Businesses are supposed to be flexible and not rigid. Some times let your customers enjoy your services with promos and discounts on the services you offer. It's a way of a advertisement for new customers and making your customers wants to do business with you. You know people like free things. When they enjoy your free service, they would want to pay for the premium ones.
- Social Media: Digital marketing has been the talk of the day now. Any Business that must survive must always be ready to use social media as a boost up. Using Social media is a way of advertising your services to a larger audience, telling them what you do and how they can reach you.
With social media platforms like twitter, youtube and the rest like that. Your Business is likely to get promoted.

So with all this points listed out, if every Business owners can checkmate this in their various Business, I assure them success and maximum productivity. Cheers!!!

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Great piece

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Nicely written you’ve outlined the points very well and very true neatness is the underated cause of business failure

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah I know right, thanks very much

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You have given good points that are very helpful if well utilized. It is good to be successful in business, but entails a lot factors.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yeah I know right, thanks... Please kindly live a like

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1 year ago