Aggressive cancer

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Avatar for Ipoperfect
2 years ago

I lost my one and only mum to a type of cancer. We don't even know the cause of this illness, it just started all of a sudden with an unknown symptom. It all started with a very little lump on the neck with alot of pain but she could still do all activities.

We tried all we could use in Nigeria at the beginning of illness, we tried everything that we could do to stop the growth but it was all in vain. She had stop working, activities and stress. While her sisters abroad arranged for her flight to the USA (early 2021) for her surgery so as to operate the lump and check for more diagnoses. There were various tests for her to undergo so as to know what was wrong with her.

The Doctor's diagnoses

A 50 year old lady from Nigeria who when seen by her sister, a nurse, in 2019 had a walnut sized lump in her right neck. Over the last couple of years it has grown very quickly and is now 8x8cm in diameter and it has become painful and is limiting the movement of her right arm. I have carried out a CT neck and chest, which suggests that this is a schwannoma probably emerging from the right brachial plexus. A fine needle aspiration shows many necrotic tissue which is not unexpected in a fast growing tumour, but the differential diagnosis includes a sarcoma. There are no associated lymph nodes and her chest is clear, it certainly seems like a solitary mass on examination.

She took alot of pain reliving drugs like morphine, tramadol and Pregabalin, as well as Ibuprofen, and many more packs of drugs whether syrup, capsules or tablet but all these seem to be inadequate to control the pain.

The Surgery was successful and we were all glad even though it was 50/50 chance, she still scaled through death that almost snatched her from us. After the surgery she lost her right hand from the operation that was performed because the doctors said the lump on the neck had already tangled with vital nerves so they had to cut out the nerve that carries the right hand so her hand became paralyzed.

One month after the surgery things got so worst and scary, she became so weak with so much more pain because the lump that was operated began to grow more bigger, bigger and bigger day by day. There was a day she just came downstairs and said she was feeling dizzy then she collapsed to the ground. Everybody was so scared, started crying and tried calling for help, then 4minutes later emergency unit came in and resuscitated her because she was no longer breathing nor talking.

On the long run, their Visa expired and had to come back to Nigeria(August 2021). There was a last result my mom's sister received from the doctors that my mum had just 12weeks to live on Earth but my mum wasn't aware of the result. So expections were for her to die around November 2021. Alot of prayers and efforts were going on all over the world.

My mum and Dad were to return back to Nigeria, as they got into the airplane immediately my mum collapsed and my Dad called for help. Emergency unit came to carry her and resuscitated her, in short she survived on oxygen till they got to Nigeria. That was a terrible experience.

I don't know how well to thank my Dad for his love, support and endless care he gave her throughout the sickness. When they returned home, I went to welcome them home and everyone was happy to see them back to Nigeria. Though some people thought they went for enjoyment or vacation but they didn't know it has been a trying time for me and my family.

This tumor began to increase bigger and bigger everyday on my mum's neck, my mum started becoming so weak and consumed packs of drugs every minute without getting result. No drug was working nor changing things.

We decided to treat it locally, the tumor was forcefully opened. We thought that was the end of the sickness not after few days the pain increased X50 of the former pain she was having. I already lost hope because everyday comes a new phase of problems and cry of pain. Her condition became very worse.

13th February 2022, mum gave up the ghost right in front of me. I was confused at first because she was sweating profusely at first around 3am. I was trying to fan her and make her feel better but she couldn't make it anymore. She died of Sarcoma cancer what a wicked illness. I've been down lately just trying to be fine now.

Thank you for reading!!!

All pictures are mine.

My former account has been spammed(Pefikt). Kindly like, subscribe and make me feel better on my new account

Thank you😊😊

$ 2.60
$ 1.90 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Ipoperfect
2 years ago


So sorry for the lost of your dear mother

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you 😔

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I really felt so sorry this is really touching i can't control my tears May her soul rest in perfect peace .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh no I really felt so sorry . May her soul rest in perfect peace .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry to hear about your mom. May she rest in peace.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I extend my heartfelt condolences for your mum,and it's really very painful ,we had a neighbor who suffered the same illness and she didn't undergo any surgery ,she just waited the time that she died. I hope for comfort in your whole family and your mom has no more pain any more ,she can rest. Hope your fine now,keep on praying.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

May her soul Rest In Peace and you really have to be very strong dear, I pray for God’s strength upon you and your family and for everything you need in life God will bring all available.. I was so emotional so sorry for this Moment right now she is happy and smiling that you remembered her… Take good care

$ 0.02
2 years ago

My condolences to you and your family. Cancer is truly a terrifying and painful illness.

She has gone back to her creator and she is free from pain, may her gentle soul rest in peace.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is painful and I am deeply sorry for your loss. She is in a better place, free from all the pains and troubles of life. Keep and cherish your memories of her and keep being an amazing person because that's what she would want for you. Please, stay strong. It's never easy losing someone close to you. Cry and grieve however you can. It's better than bottling it in. You will be fine. Sorry for the loss once again.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you so much for this, this made me feel better 😔 Her last words was that the pain was too much for her.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

She is resting and in a better place. Please, keep being strong...

$ 0.00
2 years ago