If you love noise.cash, Let's Support it: Beginning

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2 years ago

Noise.cash is a paying micro-blogging platform, let me tell you some features of noise.cash that I really really love. Those features help the users to use the platform more easily. The platform pays Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to it's users for creating some post, articles or content. Read my article about 'My Journey to Noise.cash' here's the link.


Ok let's start..


If you are a beginner in this platform you need to fill up this for you to enter the platform.

  • The DISPLAY NAME is your username in the platform it is in public and you cannot change it so think carefully about what username or display name do you really want to use.

  • The EMAIL this is your guide when you logging in into you account.

  • The PASSWORD this is private, don't ever share it to others to protect your account to someone who want to get your account and your earnings. For the CONFIRM PASSWORD it is a must to make your password and your confirm password match, if they don't match you can't enter the platform.


So this is the rules that you need to follow if you want to stay in noise.cash for good. Follow the rules and you have a good rate as a user. It also to avoid spammers.

Noise.cash is very strict when it comes to thier rules and regulations they do really monitor every user of this platform, if you are an old user and you experience the random free tip you can relate to this.

When the user is violating the rules they rarely get some random free tips form the admins. But now the admins change the free tipping to heart tip.


This is the old version of noise.cash where you earn in FREE TIP that the admins randomly give to thier users who has a good content but you cannot withdraw it directly to your wallet you will give this to someone you know that has intersecting content and set the percentage for yourself. But the free tips change into heart tip.

Heart tips where when someone heart your post and that heart has a random value but not all hearts has a value. When you click your $ earnings that's what you see, the users in the upper part is the users who heart your post and has heart value but the users in the lower part is the heart who don't have a value.

This is easy that free tips but now is to hard to get heart with a value. I don't know what happened but I still support the noise.cash.


In subscription you will easily see the post of the users who you follow and some post from the channels that you are joining. You just need to click the noise.cash logo in the upper part and then boom it will appear.


The first icon that looks like a books is the icon for the CHANNELS where you can join and post your contents but some of this channel need the admins permission or approval to post your content in thier channel.

So far the leading channel is the 'Photography' it has 3801 users who join this channel and I am one of them.

Here's the link of 'Photography' channel https://noise.cash/c/photography-j421q0lk. You can join us.

The second is the CHAMBER icon where you can see the different chambers, I can't say anything about it because I never use this icon so it's for you to discover this feature of noise.cash.

The third one is the EXPLORE icon it is public, you can see someones post even you are not thier subscribers or they don't subscribe your account and you can also tip them.


The bell icon is the icon for NOTIFICATION if you have a notification the bell turn red is either someone tipped your post or someone commented on your post but you can see here who subscribes you.

And the last icon is for you to visit your account I don't know what is that but when you click that you see this

I know that there's so many changes that happened in noise.cash but let's think it positively and let us still support the platform, many users complaining about what happening in the platform I admit sometimes Im thinking the same way but I always look for a reason to stay and I still want to support the platform until they back again.

Thank you for reading until here 😊

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Written by
2 years ago
