Revulotional growth in technology

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Written by
3 years ago

Revolutionary growth in technology has changed the way humans interact with machines. This can be seen in every area, including air transport. For example, countries such as the United States are planning to deploy NextGen technology in all fields of air transport.

The main goals of NextGen are to enhance safety, performance and to reduce impacts on the environment by combining new and existing technologies. Loss of Situation Awareness (SA) in pilots is one of the human factors that affect aviation safety. There has been significant research on SA indicating that pilot’s perception error leading to loss of SA is one of the major causes of accidents in aviation.

However, there is no system in place to detect these errors. Monitoring visual attention is one of the best mechanisms to determine a pilot’s attention and hence perception of a situation. Therefore, this research implements computational models to detect pilot’s attentional behavior using ocular data during instrument flight scenario and to classify overall attention behavior during instrument flight scenarios.

Keywords: Attention classification, Pilot situation awareness classification, scan path analysis, knowledge discovery in data, attention focusing, attention blurring.


Air travel is a common mode of transport in the modern era and is considered one of the safest. Even though aviation accidents are not as common as road accidents, associated losses have a greater impact. One civil aircraft accident can claim the lives of hundreds of people and cause millions of dollars of economic loss. Therefore, airlines are bound to abide by strict safety policies and guidelines. Safety breaches by airlines are just one of the causes of aviation accidents.

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Avatar for Idrisu
Written by
3 years ago


very nice and Good one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just thinking of a crashing plane made me scared the s*** out of me

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3 years ago

MashaAllah.. Osomvob Sundor hoice

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice post..great artcalr subahanAllah

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great innovation. Advancement in technology made our life more comfortable

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That is why i am afraid on boarding a plane.

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User's avatar V1
3 years ago

You write good written about Revolution

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3 years ago