The Harvest Begins Now in SmartBCH

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Avatar for Idksamad7869
1 year ago


The Last Day of October and it's Halloween but in Working Days. So, Two more months left before we enter in 2023 with a New beginning of Downtrend or Uptrend - Time will reveal.

For now this weekend I was alone at Home like quarantined myself and that's when I got bored so Metamask was already set in this device.

And Thought to have a Look at my Farms in SmartBCH after a decade.

Ever since more than 5 Months I haven't looked back in my farms coz it was already crashed and y'all know the situation.

This will be a series of my Harvest that I have only done harvesting and if I remember than in each dex or NFT I have farms, pools,

staking, NFT staked etc.

My EmberSwap Farms in SmartBCH

EmberSwap was probably 5th dex launched in SmartBCH. When it was launched bought Ember token from the pre sale and also had Fire Token by same team (inflationary or deflationary).

So, ever since it was launched after the next few seconds before I sold anything it was already -50% or more down while I went in coz of the APRs.

And Token Price kept Going down and down now after 6 Months I decided to visit my farms and here it is.

I had 3 Three farms in EmberSwap, Ember-Fire, Ember-BCH, Ember-FlexUsd and it was showing my total Holdings at $20.64 and harvest all rewards were ~$3.19 Both of the value in Dollars is actually Incorrect.

Ember is Showing Incorrect Value in Dollars

I literally had no idea and was surprised to see $20 is still left so I started clicking on harvest all and after three transaction coz of 3 farms.

I Got like Embers and the time when I realized it is showing incorrect value in dollar was while exchanging.

Told this in already and from all 3 farms and harvest it was showing $13.84 but it was only 0.03BCH which is worth less than what it shows.

Only a error and devs seems like aware but not sure where's the issue at.

Since the FlexUSD Tragedy everything I had is turned into Dust like worth Nothing anymore.

Harvested and Removed Liquidity

EmberSwap was already dead long ago like too low liquidity after few days of launch and the only thing I found reasonable was take loss and move on.

So, harvested everything from EmberSwap and removed Liquidity from pools.

The Impermanent Loses had left this much like I still remember when I was making a pair of FlexUSD-Ember I had $15 FlexUSD and it was stable at it's peg.

But see, only 1,59 and also it doesn't worth $1.59 was like $0.27 something.

So anyway removed Liquidity and harvest took me 10 mins approx as I was still confused in between right decision or wrong but it was too late to waste time taking stress for no reason and did what I felt like best.

When Sha-Gate?

While I was doing this all I read some Convo in SmartBCH telegram and realized Sha-Gate testing is supposed to be Go live next month like probably November.

So still things are going in the background and I'm expecting it to go on mainnet live in new year.


As of now a lot more is yet to tell soon for today I think this chapter should close here with no regret.

A new month is here and hopefully will bring more happiness or excitement in our life. The sad hours comes to an end and Gotta make an income report and new wallets etc.

Meanwhile ain't able to find time for studies so a new schedule is what I need to make. A lot in plate and will talk about those stuff some other day.

For now let me know if your farms are still in farming mode and what's your strategy to cope with all these things.

$ 2.21
$ 1.97 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Amjad_Ali_Waince
$ 0.05 from @TheGuy
+ 5
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Avatar for Idksamad7869
1 year ago


Happy new month dear friend, we hope for happiness

$ 0.00
1 year ago

we take control of our assets :) whether it is a good decision or not will only be your judgment as it is your strategy, right?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

More likely yes. Just moving on accepting loss.

$ 0.00
1 year ago